[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ryQkgH0.jpg[/img][/center] [hr]James Lockehart, The Belly of the Beast[hr] "Hmmm, well said," James spoke up in response to John's introduction, his voice deeper and distorted while in his armor(a feature added to help give him a greater air of intimidation). He would've liked the man, if it wasn't for the fact that he was here on the orders of Rayne, which meant he was hear to stop them from taking the deserter in alive. [i]I'll probably have to fight against him, more likely than not. He's more experienced than anyone here, but given the proper circumstances, I might be able to take him on. Hopefully, the need for such action doesn't present itself. . . Heh, yeah right.[/i] JAmes smiled underneath hs mask, thinking over everything they had been told, as well as the features of this Libra system, which he'd spent the last few minutes messing around with, testing it on all of the available SOLDIER's and running against his own for knowledge to check accuracy. So far, it was pretty damn accurate and it was impressive how fast the information came up. After a small moment of silence, he looked around to see that no one else seemed to be introducing themselves, so he decided that he might as well get on with his own. "James Lockehart, designation of Ravager, so if you need someone torn into bloody chunks, than I would be the guy to do it." He reached around to the back of his head, fiddling with something in the back before he continued to speak, his voice now coming out clearly and undistorted. While he didn't mind it that much, he wanted to avoided causing any unneeded discomfort before the mission. "Sorry, voice changer's supposed to make me more intimidating in combat. Also, Olsen was it, a word of advice when dealing with Henri. The more you try to dissuade him from anything, the more likely he is to do it. So it's best to just not address or notice his presence whenever it's unnecessary to do so." James gave a slight nod of his head, before he sank back into his seat, closing his eyes as he intended to rest and ignore Henri until they arrived at their destination. By that he meant resting, of course. Ignoring Henri was just standard procedure for him on most days, as it was the best way to get the man child from bothering him.