[color=9e005d][h3]Doc Siward[/h3][/color] The Axew babbled, and Siward read more from his tones than the tangled chains of words he was issuing. No, 'Dexter' would not be able to help him, not even for a tip. He pocketed the coin before the little dragon had finished. [i][color=9e005d]Fresher than I thought, then. Twitchy and fearful, and useless to me.[/color][/i] The Axew fled, but not far, and not well. If he was trying to hide, he had distinctly failed. Fortunately for Devin, he wasn't the only one to fail, and do so quickly. Siward absorbed the scene from under his hat, as he did most things, and a scene it certainly was. The Scyther was loud, his vaguely more rational and certainly more intimidating Gabite companion- Mizu, they'd let slip- Not much better, for all his protests. [color=9e005d][i]They're hardly the cream of villainy, aren't they?[/i][/color] Their folly soon attracted, predictable as a moth to a lantern, a particularly dashing Explorer, his mane swishing in the breeze and itching to be a hero, to do the kind of thing that always ended up being easy, public propaganda for the Guild. But the Doc, too, knew bandits. Unless this pair was truly, unutterably stupid, then they wouldn't have come into Melburn without being able to compensate for their lack of planning with something more... Substantial. The shimmers of heat around Mizu's claws seemed proof of that. The handsomely glittering Keldeo was contradicting himself about negotiating, trying to look for a compromise while pretending to hold his ground. Siward took the opportunity to calm his mind, nodding his head for a moment, blocking out distraction so that he could clarify his course of action. [color=9e005d][i]If I idle, scrimmage shall ensue. Should scrimmage ensue, I must take the side of the Keldeo. Should I take the side of the Keldeo, word shall reach the employers of these knaves. Should word reach thus far... I may lose their trust. No, I must establish a compromise.[/i][/color] The Keldeo was finishing his speech. [color=0054a6]"...Be leaving in chains with Officer Magnezone, your pick."[/color] The Doc stepped forward at his side, easily resisting the temptation to compare who was fluffier. [color=9e005d]"I differ, for I don't believe you [i]have[/i] a choice, Mizu. Nor shall a deal be struck here and now."[/color] That inclusion was vital. [color=9e005d]"You are not completely insensible, so you will take your freedom and companion and leave without that poor immigrant dragon. Isn't that right?"[/color] The Doc slowly puffed up his silky feathers as he spoke, bulging under his cloak, letting the smell of perturbed Fairy fill the air. If he denied them the ability to bargain further, they'd take what they had and leave before the Swordsman could apprehend them, or so he hoped. [@Shiny Keldeo][@floodtalon][@AbysmalDemon]