[u]Province 6[/u] The first wave of darkness had been repelled. Next time wouldn't be so easy. From what little reports they had these were the scouts. Stronger and stronger forces would be deployed against them. Countless swarms. It was how all others had been defeated. It wasn't a question of whether they could hold, rather for how long. Strategy could only do so much against overwhelming military force. Whispers spread through the soldiers about the upcoming battle. More reinforcements were being deployed, but some wondered if that would be enough. [u]Province 15[/u] Daruis glared out balefully over the lands of Dagrenas. The infighting followed by empty territories. All a trick, to convince Andinon to let down their guard. Well it hadn't worked. The attempted sneak attack by the holy empire and its new ally had failed. New weapons had been developed to give them an edge in the upcoming battles. Only Dagrenas and the Great Shadow now opposed them. Andinon would hold for however long it needed. Even if they fell, Zarkol and Tushnia would stand a better chance, have more time to gather their forces, prepare for war. Tushienia had agreed to teach them the basics of necromancy in an exchange of knowledge and Andinon mages were grasping for that knowledge, seeking for new ways to combat the hordes of darkness. Tushienia's use of earth magic in fortifications had impressed them as well and efforts were made to replicate it. [hider=Recruiting] Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Ballista in Province 6 and 15 Recruit 1 war magi in Province 13 Recruit 1 heavy infantry in Province 14 [/hider] [hider=Tech] Perk gained: Superior Forging. Research: Lesser Earth Magic turn 1 Ally tech exchange: Receive Raise Dead, usable next turn. Ally tech exchange: Give Lesser Air Magic to Tushienia, usable next turn. Shipment of Zakolian forged equipment arrives in Province 6, granting them them the Mithril Armour perk for the next battle. [/hider] [hider=Troops] Garrison of Province 14 -6 unit of War Magi -5 units of Harriers -1 unit of Storm Shadows Garrison of Province 6 -13 War Magi -9 units of Harriers -15 units of Storm Shadows -18 units of Royal Guard -15 Ballista Garrison of Province 15 -23 units of War Magi -10 units of Harriers -12 units of Storm Shadows -5 units of Royal Guard -1 Ballista Armies in province 13 -10 Units of Light Cavalry -5 Units of Magi -2 Units of Heavy Infantry Armies moving into Province 19 with intent to conquer. -83 Fast Dirigibles -1 Units of Magi -11 War Magi -4 Units of Heavy Infantry -9 Units of Light Cavalry [/hider]