The axew left pretty quickly after I sat down, but a togepi entered pretty soon after that. She approached me, but didn't say anything. I said "Uh, hi there, little togepi. I'm Trevor... I'm kinda new here... and this place already scares me..." I then looked around the place, and noticed an obvious fairy type who I didn't see earlier for some reason, though, thankfully, he left after the axew whose name I never really caught and he asked him about some sort of guild. The axew responded in a way I assumed I would and ran off, with the fairy type chasing after him very slowly, and casually. "If you don't mind, I'm going to see what's going on over there... the last thing I want is another dragon getting killed by fairies," I tried to make it sound like I was joking, and I flew off after the axew and the odd fairy type, trying to make sure I don't scream in fear just from being around the thing. My plan? Simple, use my wings to fly the heck away from that thing. Even if it was a bird...ish... thing... it didn't seem to have usable wings, so, I had an advantage so long as I could pick up the axew and possibly fly him to the top of a building or... something. I landed on a nearby rooftop and watched as a scene in an alleyway between the axew, that fairy type, a scyther, and a gabite unfolded. Somehow, for some unknown reason all of these pokemon, or at least, all of them who weren't the axew were afraid... of A PONY. I tried to hold in my laughter at the sheer strangeness of the fact that these criminals are afraid of a small HORSE of all things, but, eventually... I accidentally gave away my position by just bursting out in laughter after it seemed like the pony was winning. Of course, thanks to the fact that I was some sort of batlike pokemon, probably just about everyone in the vicinity heard it. I was done for if that fairy had any sort of attacks that could reach me up here, but the thing didn't seem as hostile as the gabite and the scyther... then again, if there's anything I've learned from my past, it's that I should NEVER trust a fairy... even if they're actively helping me. I realized that nobody said anything about me even after my fit of laughter, so, thankfully, I didn't have to explain it, but... unfortunately, it seemed like my plan was going to fall flat, anyways, after all, the scyther seemed to have a pretty firm hold on the axew's neck with its blade arm, and the fairy was close enough to where he (at least, judging from the voice) could attack me before I could get out of there with the axew if he so chose... and he would, and it would be the end of me... except, in real life. [i]Come on... there has to be a way out of this that ensures the survival of myself, and the axew. Some way to make sure I DON'T get attacked by that evil fairy...[/i] I think as I try and obviously fail to make it seem like I'm doing anything but still laughing at the fact that a tiny horse was scary enough to a dragon that he'd give up a hostage, or at even consider it. Sure, there was the fairy involved, but for all I knew, he COULD have been on the dragon's side, and was just stabbing him in the back, or taking some other option to this scenario. Heck, he could even be their BOSS telling them that they did a very poor job and now have to stop because someone found them before they could do anything... or I could just be madly guessing, and putting the fairy in a position of evil, and power just because I'm sort of biased against them due to my past experiences.