[@Antarctic Termite][@Shiny Keldeo][@AbysmalDemon] Mizu's eyes narrowed in anger as this Keldeo knocked away his claw. His pride as a Dragon type demanded that he destroy this impudent little brat, no matter the consequences! His common sense told him that was a terrible idea. Unfortunately, it was quite rare for something silly like common sense to stop a rampaging Dragon type. He pushed his face close to Kel and snorted. "You're going to regret that..." Then the new guy stepped in and his pride took a backseat to fear. A fairy type was always bad news for a Dragon type like himself, no matter how strong they are. A fairy type made many a Dragon type quake in fear. Not that Mizu would ever admit that. He clicked his tounge in annoyance and grunted. "Come on idiot. Let go of the Axew and let's get out of this stupid town." Mizu smacked the Scyther on the back of the head and began walking out of the alley. But not before he stopped to lean towards Kel's face. "Next time, there won't be a fairy to save you." He then continued his walk out of the alley and turned to exit the town. After walking for a while he stopped by a nearby boulder. A few minutes and a liberal amount of rage later, he sat down on a nearby stump. Minus one large boulder. Mizu was absolutely steaming, the next time he saw that stupid Keldeo he was going to tear him apart! He then began yelling at the sky in anger. [color=Red]"I'm going to tear him apart, and then I'm going to go tear that entire town apart! And then I'll take all their money! And then I'll... I'll...[/color] I'll do something else."