He hesitated for a moment as Lyriia tried to pull his hands away from his wound, but he soon accepted her help, allowing his hands to be moved away. Through his blurring pain, he vaguely heard the fairy's instructions. He grit his teeth as he complied, laying back. However, he was thinking about what she was going to do. But he accepted whatever it was, if she could help him get through this. He cringed as he felt her hands on his wound, a searing pain coursed through him as her hands came in contact with his leg. He felt a warm sensation fill his wound, it was a different kind of pain, a prickling kind. He could feel something being.. reattached? It felt as it something was reconnecting. He could feel his muscles, or what was left of them, become full again. The pain was slowly being pushed away by warmth. Warmth he hadn't felt before. He couldn't see it very clearly, but there was a soft light coming from where Lyriia was. The moments felt like forever, but by the end of the procedure, Ahmal felt that his leg was.. healed? Somehow. He could still feel a slight chill on his leg as the cold air bit at his exposed wound. He felt the other fairy break contact with his leg. He could hear her mumble something to him. About.. Herb salve and bandage, and tea. Most likely things that would help his wound heal. Before he could get up, he saw Lyriia pass out next to him, her wings attempting to curl around the both of them. [color=a187be]"Lyriia?"[/color] He whispered to her. He lay there for a moment, trying to see signs of movement in the Fairy girl. He felt a slight panic, but he suppressed it. He reached his hand out, putting a finger horizontally beneath her nose. She was breathing, lightly. He gently touched her neck to check for a pulse. It was slow. Strangely so. He moved to sit up to look at his leg. The hole was gone. Now it was just a rather large, flat wound. The skin was starting to heal as well. However, he couldn't really move his leg properly. Not that he would want to right now. He slowly got up putting all his weight onto his uninjured leg. He looked down at the passed out Fairy, thinking of how to go about this. He crouched down slowly, putting as little pressure as he could on his wounded leg, the light snow and grass blades, stinging it as they touched the open wound. He shrugged off his bag of poisons he gently scooped up Lyriia in a kind of princess carry. He shifted his arms under her to get an even weight distribution. Thank the gods she was lighter than other fairies. It would be a stretch to try get her back to Silent Rise, but it wasn't that far away. He beat his wings strongly, fighting the exhaustion he felt from enduring the pain. After lifting off the ground, he wobbled slightly as he shifted her weight in his arms again. Soon he was fluttering toward Silent Rise, his wings beating harder than he usually would. It felt like forever before they reached Silent Rise. Ahmal flew in the direction of Longarm's house. He hovered slightly above the ground in front of Longarm's door, his wings beating hard to keep himself there. He gave the door a few swift, loud kicks before landing on his uninjured leg. He was on the brink of collapsing, but he fought back at the exhaustion, thinking that he'd only give in [i]after[/i] he knew Lyriia was in safe hands.