[center]Welcome to Order from Chaos[/center] This is a mystery fantasy RP based around London in present time. This RP will involve anything you as a player can think of. You want to make a Race or magic? Sure go ahead, I'll give it a once over and most likely you'll be able to use it. In this RP I want people to be comfortable playing what they wish. Within reason of course. [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Not a race here that you want. Than simply tell me either through the OOC or through PM. [hider=Vampire] Vampires are well known for being creatures of the night and here in London they are no different. They have a great fear of religious paraphernalia (Crosses Statue of Buddha etc), vampires also never age and are stuck at the age they were turned. Vampire cannot stand out in the sun for too long as after about 4 hours of exposure to sunlight burst into flames and than be nothing but a pile of ash. However with these weakness comes tremendous strength, agility and reflexes. As well as being able to heal from almost any wounds (Decapitation and a stake in the heart not being two of them). Vampire must drink blood regularly at least once a day., otherwise they will become weak and if they don't feed for at least 3 days they will be overcome by the hunger; causing them to become mindless killing machines. A vampire can survive without blood for 4 days. Vampire are normally turned when a vampire mixes their own blood with blood from a living person it takes 1 week for a person to change.. As a rule of thumb werewolves cannot become vampire and vampires cannot becoming werewolves. In fact should a vampire drink blood from a werewolf they will die as werewolf blood is poisonous to vampires. Vampires can tell if a human is a werewolf. Vampires have an increase endurance, agility and strength.[/hider] [hider=Werewolves] Seemingly normally human beings whom sometime in their life have survived a werewolf attack and are afflicted with lycanthropy. This disease causes the afflicted to turn into a monstrous wolfen creature during a full moon, loosing all sense of their former self as well as their humanity. A werewolf cannot be reasoned with when they have turned and will hunt down any creature that they can smell. Once the night is over the wolf turns back into a person remembering their night as nothing but a nightmare. As a rule of thumb werewolf's cannot become vampires and vampires cannot become a werewolf. Werewolves have in their human forms; heightened senses and can tell easily smell if someone is a vampire. Werewolves are weak to silver in both human and beast form and it will burn their flesh. Werewolves can control their wolven form by taking essence of wolfsbane before they turn. This allows them to be in full control of their wolven self for the night. Werewolves can perform basic magic nothing amazing. [/hider] [hider=Undead] Sometimes necromancers can go too far or maybe it’s just a stubborn mage who refuses to let death claim him. The undead are mages that have been resurrected from the dead. They do not feel pain or fatigue and as a result can push their bodies past human boundaries, as well as heal incredibly fast as long as they have some magic in them. Some people call them zombies however an undead persons can not turn other people undead. When it comes to magic they have none. Instead they use their magical energy to keep themselves alive. Well not alive but you get the idea.[/hider] [hider=Sorcerers] Sorcerers are humans who have been mutated by magic and as such have amazing magical abilities. Sorcerers are extremely rare and most of them die due to the amount of energy that is contained within their body. (Cannot be used) [/hider] [hider=Demon] Creatures of evil, death destruction and causers of general mischief. To put it shortly they aren't nice. Generally Demons are evil creatures brought here from another world wanting to only cause havoc destruction or maybe just mischief. They feed on magic and as such are extremely adept magic users. Weaker demons freely enter the world only to cause nuisance and mischief the bigger stronger demons however must be summoned in by sorcerers or users of magic as they must have a large gateway in order to enter this world from theirs as well a host to anchor them to this world. You can make deals with demons for power. For a price. In the darkest depths of the other world the demons inhabit are creatures called the eldritch horrors that wish to only enslave and destroy everything. They are older than the universe itself and hold no allegiance to demon kind, only a select few even know of them. However there are books that talk about these ancient creatures. [/hider] [hider=Human]Humans well are humans. They can use magic if they are taught it. [/hider] [u][b]Magic[/b][/u] [hider=Information] Magic is manifested when one person calls on otherworldly energies which then allows them to create things like fireballs or entrance a person. Normally a human cannot access this energies unless they are taught how to but Sorcerers see this energy around them. Most areas are more magical saturated than others and most Demon summoning are done in areas where the levels of magical energy are very high. This energy though does come at a price. In exchange for drawing power you must sacrifice your stamina. For example human A casts a small fireball and human B casts a fireball the size of large truck. Human A will be able to easily cast more and run around, while human B will be panting from exhaustion possibly be able to cast more. When it comes to magic if depends from person to person as to their magical prowess. Due to the nature of magic any person who uses magic for an extended time ages a lot slower then normal. The average mage lives easily 2000+ years. In order to limit people in the magic they can use please look at type of magicians below I am open to suggestions when it come to magic so please suggest via OOC or PM.[/hider] [u]Types of magicians[/u] Magic is split into two forms Elementalists and Adepts they are explained below. Elementalists are magicians who restrict themselves to only being able to control four elements. Water, Fire, Earth and Air. Earth is the defensive way and is the last result in the elementalists bag of tricks. Such things as large earth walls, or turning their body into rock. Fire is the offensive magic allowing the user to conjure fireballs in their hands or create streams of flames from their hands. Air is utility magic having both offensive in the form of gusts of wind to knock foes down or defensive in the form of using it to jump and land great distances. The greatest elementalist was said to have been able to even fly. Water is the final tool in the elementalists arsenal and is the least useful you can turn water into moisture in the air to dry your clothes or reduce its temperature to freeze puddles of water. Stronger Elementalists have turned the weak version of water into their strongest by manipulating the weather or creating tsunamis. Do not think of Elementalists as elemental benders from the avatar series. Adepts are magicians who have a plethora of magical abilities at their disposal and can do simple things such as fire laser beams from their eyes to being immune to fire or even super strength. Below are a list of possible paths that adepts can take. However do not be restricted with these paths. Feel free to make up your own abilities however the one's below are set in stone so you cannot steal powers from them. [hider=Necromancer's] Death magic that warps shadows into shapes, either to use as weapons or as makeshift armour. All necromancers channel their magic through an item made from necrodermis. A pitch black material created by leaving the chosen item in moonlight for a month inside the necromancers citadel. Necromancy is stronger the closer the person is to death (graveyards morgues etc). Necromancers can bring the dead back to life as zombies however it is not a point and click magic. It is a mixture of magic, Symbols and alchemy as well as plenty of time. The Necromancers Citadel is the home of all necromancy and is located in a crypt not to far from the Abandoned bar.[/hider] [hider=Druids] Magician who uses nature, controlling plants to grow and influencing their movement. They also can communicate and control (to a degree) animals. They perform a ritual during the Solstice at Stonehenge.[/hider] [hider=Sigilists] Magicians who use symbol magic. These symbols can be carved into flesh with tattoos or a knife and must be drawn with the user's blood or with enchanted ink. Symbol magic can be dangerous as every symbol must be perfect. Sigilist can apply symbols anywhere they wish but it is the act of touching or disturbing them that activates them. Symbols take a large amounts of magic to create but only small amounts to activate. Think of them like batteries with an on off switch.[/hider] [hider=Clairvoyant] Magicians who can see the future. Possibly one of the only adepts that are well known to the non magical as psychics who will read a person's fate. Clairvoyant's are normally born as Clairvoyants and can't adopt any other form of magic. They are highly sort after by the order for their ability to tell the future.[/hider] [u][b]The Order[/b][/u] [hider=Information]In the early 1900 a group of mages gathered and created the first governing body called The Order. The Order keep order within the magical community and are effectively the magic police. While matters on separate races are left to their corresponding races The Orders job is to make sure that mankind are not aware of anything magical as well as protecting humans from any magical crimes. The order also contains areas where people can be taught magic, there is a large library with many books for the aspiring mage or those that have questions on aspect of magic or races.There are three leaders of The Order they are: Phillip Rifna (Elemental) deals with human relations, Philip talks with important humans like the Primeminister. Jennifer Farie (Clairvoyant) Deals with magical problems, Jennifer sorts out any crimes committed by magical creatures or magicians as well as magical experiments gone wrong Tolfey Quiton (Sigilist) Deals with Security and makes sure that The Order, the werewolf cells and the bar are protected and stops humans entering the abandoned bar unless accompanied.[/hider] [u][b]The Abandoned Bar[/b][/u] [hider=Information]This is the place that most of you will visit. It is where the Order reside and where you can get a nice pint and meet other people like you. The bar offers places for Vampires to sleep during the day and a place for werewolves to safely transform. Think of the bar as a front for all the crazy stuff that happens underneath it, as most of the services offered by the bar are deep underground Including the orders hq as well.[/hider] [u][b]The Story[/b][/u] [hider=Information]The order is currently recruiting new blood into its ranks and is looking for people to help keep the peace and figure out crimes of the more magical nature. You can choose whether or not you wish to become involved with the order it's up to you. However in the darkness something looms a man by the name of Joshua has risen a bastard child born as a sorcerer his natural grasp for magic has given him a god like look on life. Deciding that mankind were weak and magic was stronger he announced to the Order that he would wipe out all of humanity so that they could take over and be the top dogs that they should be. Obviously the order would never want such genocide to go ahead as the order was created to protect humans, not allow them to be slaughtered.They managed to capture him and he has been held deep within the bowels of the orders most secure holding vault in a coma like state. He’s been locked their for 10 years.[/hider] [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] General RPG rules and don't make an overpowered character with no flaws. [u][b]CS Skeleton[/b][/u] Please put spaces between the sections. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to read. Name: Age: Description: (Image or worded description accepted) Gender: Race: Magic: Not required. If an adept what kind of magic. Equipment: special clothing weapons etc Personality: History: