Akio had smiled and nodded, thanking for the food as the two began to dance. Without heasitation he raised his violin and began to play a melody that you almost wouldn't believe was possible on a violin. It sounded like a strange crossover between classic and pop. As strange as it sounded, it was quite well received by most of the other students. After a while he finished his tune and replaced his violin within its case. Finally he started on his spicy food happily. He was always quite find of spicy foods. Rather quickly he finished, quitely wondering if he could get more. Closing his violins case he stood and walked down the bleachers and have his bowl to the staff, ignoring more than a few odd looks from other students. Apparently he was the only male that had taken a flower, at least that he had seen. Akio raised a hand and fingered the flower nervously, tempted to take it down. He finally decided against it as he moved twords a deserted corner of the room and sat there, alone. This he was used to. He knew that the boy that was dancing seemed nice and potentially could be a friend. Not to mention he looked quite cute in his outfit. Akio blinked curiously. Why had he thought that? He quickly dismissed the thought and pulled his legs in close, resting his head on his knees as he began to doze.