Virtue nodded as her question was answered. Osen was a settlement she had found on the old map, but there wasn't enough information on it to assume or predict anything. Much like Reinhart, Virtue was frustrated that they had so little information available. There was no way to prepare and plan ahead. Especially the news of microclimates made her nervous. She reckoned they'd have to improvise a lot in the next few days. Kaite stood up, an audible click sounding from his boots as he did so. She looked down for a moment and noticed the strange added feature of his boots. Although she could empathise with an insecurity about his length to some degree, she didn't understand how this would assist him in anything other than [i]seeming[/i] taller. After all, it would hamper his movements somewhat and it definitely wouldn't do his balance any good. Considering this, she did have to admit it gave his posture that bit much more pizazz that made him seem much more confident. This appearance was slightly contrasted by how he came across to her now that she had come closer. Her previous estimation of him had somewhat shattered now that she saw he was clearly uncomfortable with her so close. She'd also noticed that he'd been eyeing her a minute ago, but she hadn't taken any offense to that. A woman of her size stood out after all. Kaite also seemed to set aside his discomfort to help her, since he carefully placed his palms on her side and started working on the straps. It didn't take him long. After exhaling there was plenty of room for him to pull the armor together, and he was very careful as he pulled it tighter. Once he let go of her, she turned and faced him again, her hair softly falling down the length of her torso again. [color=6ecff6]"It is fine, thank you." [/color]She said simply, tugging at her chestpiece a bit before letting it be. The man introduced himself as Kaite, and extended his hand. Virtura had learned that this was a gesture of greeting and respect, and she extended her hand to meet his and shook it. Although Kaite's hands were... frail for that of a grown man, her own would feel surprisingly soft and perhaps even weak as well. Strangely unmuscled for a woman of her size. In fact, if he'd inspect her closely he'd notice that she was nowhere near as powerful as the average Elder Blooded woman would be. Often built to the likes of amazons, Virtura had more of the physique of a very tall human than one of the Elder Blooded. Her tinted skin and incredibly long hair betrayed that she actually was a member of another race, but the differences were subtle. [color=6ecff6]"My name is Virtue. Likewise..."[/color] she said, looking Kaite straight in his striking green eyes. Similarly to him, her eyes were green as well, though a much more saturated and grayish green. Strong eyes with a soft colour. She smiled lightly. After she let go of his hand, her eyes glanced over to the booklet Kaite had been drawing in just a moment ago. What she saw was quite an impressive picture of a shark devouring a man. Her eyes grew wide as she leaned in to have a closer look, seemingly intrigued by the image. [color=6ecff6]"Did you make this?"[/color] She said, her arms crossed in front of her chest.