[center][color=a2d39c][h2]Benji Graham[/h2][/color] [b]Location:[/b] The Mall, The Bean [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Aewin], [@Universorum] [hr][/center] [color=a2d39c]"Okay, it's cool, we'll figure something out."[/color] Benj had hopped the bus to the mall downtown and now stood in front of a map of the place. To his left was a food court, to his right was a string of department stores, around the corner was a Victoria's Secret... He shook his head. Gotta focus. He only had a limited amount of time. What was he supposed to get? A gag gift and a real gift, gum, an anime? He tried to think of what anime he didn't have for Connor to borrow. Should he buy a whole season, or just a movie or something? Nah, series were always better. Since that was at least something he was familiar with, he headed over to the Manga store. Moe huh? He skimmed through the magical girl titles but nothing struck him as particularly interesting. He probably owned half of them anyway, and the other half he'd seen and weren't as good. Looking through the different genres, his eyes alighted on one particular title. He pursed his lips and thought a moment, pulling the DVD off the rack to study it. After standing there for several contemplative seconds, he fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed. The other end rang for a bit, but no one picked up so he left a message. A minute later he was back out in the walkway. Now the real hunt began. What had Connor said about the gag gift? Something about cleaning? [color=a2d39c]"Hmm..."[/color] he headed into Sears and wandered up and down the aisles. [color=a2d39c]"Oh! Magic Erasers!"[/color] he said, spotting the exact same ones Connor had told him. And they were one sale! He bought two, and picked up a couple packs of Connor's precious gum at the register. At this point Benj still had quite a bit of cash leftover. Now for the real challenge. Benj guessed coffee would be an okay gift, but he kinda hoped to find something more original, otherwise it would really just be like another gift from Connor and not really from himself. He popped in and out of a few stores but nothing struck him as being quite right. He was about to give up hope and go with the coffee after all when he saw it hanging in one of the kiosks. It was perfect. After paying the vendor, who carefully packaged up the gift for him, Benj headed for the exit with a spring in his step. He had to wait at the bus stop for a few minutes and struck up a conversation with a girl sitting on the bench. By the time the bus came he had managed to exchange phone numbers with her, and they parted ways with a wave. When he got back home Benji ran upstairs to wrap the gifts and stashed them in his room for the time being. He texted Connor briefly to see if he was still at the Bean. He was. Two minutes later they were reunited. [color=a2d39c]"I'm back! Oh, hey Eva."[/color] He slid into the booth with them and pulled two packs of Trident Tropical Twist out of his jacket pocket, sliding them across the table to Connor and saying, in his best drig-dealer voice, [color=a2d39c]"Here's the good stuff."[/color] He sat back and looked around, apparently everyone else had left. [color=a2d39c]"I guess this is the otaku table now... Oh yeah, Eva, tell me about last night!"[/color]