[quote=@Omarnreaper] Looking forward to this game, but should we make characters? [/quote] I will get a CS put together shortly. Like I said, I have to sit down and see how many people we could realistically fit into the story, without cramming too many into it that there is not enough for all parties to really participate enough to keep everyone interested. There's a lot of thought going into this, so just bare with me on some things, if you all could. I want this to be a very enjoyable experience for all of you, as well as a lasting one. So I have decided on Seattle as our setting. I have a map which we will be used throughout the entirety of this RP. The map will be used to indicate where crime scenes are located, suspect locations, friends and family, Police HQ, and any other story relevant information. I'll provide the map in the OOC when I get it up. Now, onto more suggestions! I am trying to come up with an original name for this RP, opposed to just something like "Law & Order: Seattle", or "True Crimes", etc. So any suggestions for names of our RP are encouraged! Once we have a name, I believe I would probably have enough information to at least get the OOC going, and put up a CS Template for you guys to get started. Let the suggestions begin! Again, I want to thank you guys for all the interest! This is going to be really exciting for me!