[quote=@TheWizardLizard] Nice little cast we have setting up. I am somewhat curious as to how all these characters are going to be thrown into the mix together; are we looking at like, a Warcraft 3 situation where your character approaches us all with ominous messages about fate and whatnot? [/quote] I can definately see our more imperially-minded characters clashing against each other, and our more roguish, singular characters, while solitary, have enough in common that they should be easy to group together. I can see two or three separate plot threads diverging at the start, with the characters slowly winding together. [quote=@DeadBeatWalking] Flint's done! Sorry I took forever. [/quote] Looks good to me. Bally well accepted. [quote=@TheWizardLizard] So, no rush, but are we waiting on a few more of the people from earlier in the thread/the interest check, or are we ready to go? I'm rarin' to get started, I think this is going to be very interesting. [/quote] Uhh, I've got one buddy I'm waiting on, really, but since I'm back home and won't be busy with bullshit for a while yet, I'll start working on the IC. So, how this will work is that as each of you post IC, I'll give each individual player or group of players their own response to work with. I'll be playing my own character, but also playing with each of you directly. So your first IC post should be an intro the the plot that your character will be involving themselves in. First step on their journey, as it were. No time piddling about to start with, we're jumping right into the story.