[@Qwerty]Man, High Fidelity is SO good. 10) The Life Aquatic - Okay, okay, I'm willing to objectively admit that maybe it isn't the best Wes Anderson movie, but a dude plays some fantastic David Bowie covers in Portuguese and there's one scene where Bill Murray fires a pistol thirty-something times without reloading it to the sounds of "Search and Destroy" by Iggy Pop. 9) Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - There's a version of this movie that fades to black and white as everything that happens gets bleaker and bleaker; and it's also by the guy who did Old Boy so you know the story is fun and lighthearted. 8) The Secret of NIMH - The last time I watched the Secret of NIMH I had a fever that was somewhere just below the level of needing to go to a hospital. It's about a mom who is trying to protect her sick kid so she goes to get some help from these super smart group of people. Also, they're rats and the mom's a mouse and she has this cool red cape NO WAIT COME BACK. It's well voiced, stunningly animated, and has a real neat back story that, to cut short, pretty much boiled down to Don Bluth making this movie to give a big middle finger to Disney. 7) Rocky Horror Picture Show - My old man showed this to me when I was ten. If you don't know, this movie is about a Transvestite Tim Curry being so good at boning down that he seduces both the female and male lead. It's not a movie you show your ten year old son, but it is probably the best musical ever made. Meat Loaf's in it. 6) Die Hard - It's probably the best action movie ever made, and I'm also one of those jerks who would classify it as one of the best Christmas movies ever made. The PlayStation game based off the trilogy was all right, too. 5) High Fidelity - Top 5 favorite movies of all time starts with High Fidelity. Top 5 reasons it is in my Top 5 favorite movies: 5) John Cusack is pretty much playing a grown up version of his characters from those 80's movies. 4) There are a ton of vinyl records and just seeing them gets me excite. 3) Jack Black does a real good job playing someone you don't like, instead of doing an okay job of playing someone you're supposed to like. 2) Okay, all the characters are real good and realized. 1) Top 5 lists. 4) Full Metal Jacket - Full disclosure: I have yet to watch 2001 or Dr. Strangelove because I am a bad person, but pretty much every scene in this movie is fantastic in someway and extremely memorable. I dunno, maybe I'm just biased because former boss and I used to yell lines from the opening scene at one another and walk around singing the Mickey Mouse club theme song. It's only number 4 because people started staring at me weird when I did it by myself. [sub]M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E[/sub] 3) Perfect Blue - It's like if Alfred Hitchcock made an anime that also turned out to be his best thriller ever. There's a video out there on the Internet of someone explaining why Satoshi Kon is such a good director due to the way he edits transitions. If you haven't seen Perfect Blue it's okay, because enough of the scenes in it just showed up in Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan anyway. 2) The Thing - Everything looks so creepy, you never know who the Thing really is, the ending is ambiguous in a great way, Kurt Russell's in it, Keith David's in it, it's got that John Carpenter ass music, oh dude it's just so cool and it has those dope practical effects that mostly hold up. There's also a prequel. We'll pretend it doesn't exist. 1) Lost In Translation - For about two hours you watch Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson go around a city and do nothing. It's the best thing ever.