[center][color=f7976a]Diomedes[/color][/center] Diomedes groaned loudly as the maid left his bedchamber, summoning him to the 'family' dinner where he would be in the midst of his Aunt and kid cousin. The older male contemplated blowing off the meal altogether and instead going to the whore house. At least there he could attempt to feel something. However, the underworld hath no furry like a mothers scorn. After weighing his very few options carefully he decided that he was going to attend the meal, but he was going to do it when he felt like it. Diomedes slowly got up from his bed and began preparing for the meal. He had the maid staff clean him and dress him before grabbing his jeweled sword and walking out to the meal. His 'mother' and 'brother' already sitting down and waiting for him before eating. Booth looked rather miserable. His Aunt had grown sickly with state affairs, and his brother was doing no better. Plopping himself on a cushion he stared at the other two not bothering to contribute to the dinner table conversation. Until his brother started getting too heated about the days meeting. "Perhaps, dear brother, it is because you are still rather young. The senate didn't want to burden you with outrageous numbers." Diomedes took a large swig of wine as his mother gave him a dirty look. "After all, you are only nineteen. Even with all of your intelligence you wouldn't have the patience to calculate what the numbers actually are. Not everything is what it seems." The older male gave his brother a pointed look over the rim of his cup. Diomedes had always had a good relationship with his brother, until their father died of illness. Since Diomedes was older and was once married he met all the requirements to take the Egyptian throne. It was by all purposes his noble birthright. But because his father was from the Grecian nation the senate disqualified him and it was passed to his brother Amenoten. Their mother sighed. "Seth, you should be more kind to your brother, he's doing the best he can.." Diomedes snorted. "My name is Diomedes, mother. Since I happen to be of [i]Greek[/i] decent." He emphasized the word Greek because it was his linage that was preventing him from the throne. Diomedes knew his brother was incapable of any sway with the senate as far as it came to actually making changes in the country. They weren't going to tell him the real numbers, how the situation was getting worse with the Minitani and the Hittites. Right now they could only hold them off and prevent them from taking siege of more Egyptian territory. Food was scarce and what little of it that was decent as best was sent straight to the front lines. Soldiers couldn't defend the country without food in their stomachs. This was putting a strain on the work force, more people were dying with each passing day due to starvation or being overworked. Slaves as abundant as they were, were being picked off in mass numbers. The economy was going to hell because the nation was still divided as well. If things didn't change soon, then there would be no Egypt left. Before any of them could say another word about the current state of affairs a maid burst through the door. Diomedes gave the girl a scowl, and his mothers annoyance could not be more felt in the air at the disturbance. The queen set her hands on the table. "Anatolia! What is the meaning of this?!" She hissed. "You know not to disturb the royal family! Even if you are a head maid to the royal family!" The girl who had entered the hall bowed nervously, her brown hair falling over one of her shoulders. "Please, my queen, forgive me. I would not have interrupted a private meal had it not been of the utmost urgency." The queen was still annoyed but waved a dismissive hand. "Alright, speak quickly girl." "My queen, princes, I have some unfortunate news. It seems that the late Pharaohs grave has been desecrated. The thief cut through his majesties bandages and stole the kings bracelet. The bracelet with the green sea jewel your grace gave to him on your wedding day." Diomedes snickered grabbing his sword as his mother leaned back in stunned silence. "Now then, dear brother." The older male got up. "Why don't we go on a hunt for this thief? You always were a soft natured brat." [center][color=bc8dbf]Cailie[/color][/center] [b]"Today a precious heirloom has been stolen from the Smithsonian Museum of Ancient History. Discovered from an Egyptian tomb the item was once worn on the wrist of the unknown kings tomb. It is a golden bracelet with a pastel sea green jewel in the center. While witnesses did not see the thief every one is on high alert for the artifact." [/b] Cailie shook her head staring up at the small television station. [i]How could anyone do that?[/i] She thought to herself, if she remembered correctly that bracelet had been given to the Pharaoh by his wife Queen Nailah. The blonde was sitting in a pulled up cushion chair by her sisters hospital bed. The room was big enough that she could keep the door in her peripheral vision, but she could only stay for fifteen minutes at a time. Cailie was holding Alicias hand as her sister lied on the bed. The brunette was like a human battery as machines bleeped and blooped with the girls heart rate. Her skin once a healthy bronze was now sickly pale, and her muscles weren't as pronounced as they used to be either. Cailie rubbed her thumb against her sisters palm, trying to feed some life into her. Alicia just had to wake up, she had to. How could they explore the world together if one of them was lying as a vegetable on a hospital bed? Sighing Cailie opened a book and begun to read as she held her sisters hand, squeezing it occasionally and hoping to feel a squeeze back. It never came, and the blonde became startled when the nurse knocked on the door. "Miss? I'm sorry to disturb you, but it's 11, and visiting hours are over now. Please be safe going home." Cailie nodded in response, when the nurse left she got up and stretched. Raising her arms to the ceiling and spreading her fingers out. Her back was stiff, but otherwise didn't hurt as bad. That was a good. Cailie gave her older sister one last squeeze before letting go of her hand and packing her things. She checked her phone to see if her mom or dad had texted her, nope just the time. It was 11:00 pm like the nurse had said. Once the blonde had reached the outside world she had never felt more free. The night sky enfolding her in a comforting embrace. Ever since the accident Cailie couldn't stand to be inside or restricted. Not by her clothes, not by buildings, and not even rooms. So many things could go from bad to worse in a simple second. Cailie put in her earphones and was looking through her music library for a specific song she had been wanting to hear, unaware of her surroundings she bumped into a stranger wearing an all black coat and a hat. "Oh, I'm sorry.." She said, as the person past her. Whoever they were they were in a hurry. As she walked one of the street lights caught something shiny, and it caught her eye. As the music began to play she dug in the snow pulling up a golden bracelet with a sea green jewel in the middle. Spacing out as she was, she had thought the stranger had dropped it, and pulled out on of her earphones. "Hey!" she yelled walking toward the figure. "Hey! Wait! I think this is yours!" The bracelet slipped from her fingers and down her wrist where it cinched itself tight around her wrist. The green jewel began to glow, enevolping the girl in a warm comforting light. Then everything went black. ~ When Cailie awoke she was in the center of a canyon area. Rubbing her eyes she looked around confused. "What in the hell?" She asked blinking. Okay this wasn't funny. Did she get kidnapped?! How long had she passed out? She didn't know. Holding up her wrist she saw she still had the bracelet on her wrist, looking at it closer she realized it was the same bracelet that had been stolen from the national museum. Maybe if she went straight to the authorities and explained what happened, perhaps they would mail it back the the museum. Squinting in the twilight she saw two lanky figures. People probably? Hopefully, maybe they could help get her back home. That was until they got closer. They saw her and she saw them. The other people took a threatening stance raising there weapons. An instinct in Cailie told her that it would probably be a good idea to run. Preferably in the next few minutes. They would most likely catch her, with her back injury running in sand would not be a good option, if she slipped she would cause her spine further injury and would probably be paralyzed from her lower back down. That still didn't mean she couldn't give them a run for their money though. The weirdest thing about all of this, though, is that the two people looked as though they were ancient Egyptian soldiers.