Anise's tears of concern flowed down her cheeks as she gently pet Reus. The damage caused to him was horrific, but she was glad that it wasn't any worse. She nodded as Morly placed a jug next to her and explained that it was the healing water. She gently started administering it to heal Reus' wounds. "It's alright, Reus. It's going to be OK." In the back of her mind she thought about her interaction with the Dragon. Something about it seemed off. Incomplete and intent only on its goals. The coldness of it made her believe that it operated only on rationality, not emotion. After she finished applying the water to Reus she took the lantern into her hands and stared at it. [i]Dragon, I do believe what the Kith believe, but I also believe that something happened a long time ago that caused the Pirates to grow to hate and fear you. I do wish to return you to a whole being from your current shattered self. I want to help you. I know that there is a part of you very close, and I know that soon there will be another. If I can I will try to convince the holder of the red lantern to relinquish it to you, but I do not want my comrades like Reus to come to anymore harm from it. All I ask is for your assistance in getting to the next lantern as there are gryphons guarding it.[/i] Anise rubbed Reus' belly after she finished applying the healing waters. "Just rest." She soothingly stated. "I don't want you to push yourself too hard. I need my friends to be well." She cared very much for the well-being of Reus. She then stood up and watched Morly call out to the scared holder of the red lantern. She turned her head towards where the poor girl ran off, mixed feelings in her heart. She felt that the red lantern was a very dangerous thing, not that the Spirit lantern was any less dangerous, but that the direct damage that fire could cause was terrifying. Never before had Anise seen such a color of fire. She did not want that harm to come to her or her friends ever again, but she also didn't want a scared and lost lantern holder wandering around to cause another fire by accident or otherwise. Then there was the fact that she didn't want anyone, stranger or otherwise, to come to harm from the dangers of the Forest, especially one that was new to the Forest. She held her tongue and waited for the lantern holder to respond to Morly's calls and hoped that things would go well for everyone.