Perhaps Zach was too protective over his sister. Part of him wanted to pummel Heath into the ground and remind him just who his sister was. However, for the sake of their day out and the rest of the trip, Zach stayed quiet. [b]"You realise, if you even considered hurting her, I'd kill you."[/b] He then went silent for a short while. Thinking and considering, weighing things out. [b]"I'm not stopping you expressing your feelings, I'm just here to remind you what'll happen if you fuck things up."[/b] Zach then returned to the group and seemed almost to place himself between his sister and everyone else in the group. Subconsciously of course. Emilie smiled and pulled out the chiller bag from the car. [b]"Lead the way then."[/b] The blonde female smiled, moving over towards Dominik. She set out in the direction he'd pointed, returning to take Maddie's hand. [b]"It'll be fine. Seriously."[/b] **Apologies, shattered**