[i][h3]A Small, Rundown Tavern – The Wanderer[/h3][/i] As his travelling companion got herself ready, he calmly waited near the door, standing just to the side of it a little so that even if it would open towards him, he wouldn't be touched by it. He was patient, and seeing as it didn't take her very long to get ready, he didn't mind at all... but when her irritation began to show, one would almost be able to see the sweat drop form on the side of his head as he paled a little. [b]"He didn't get lost at all, you know!"[/b] She'd never believe him, but before she could retort or try to give him a new set of hand=shaped bruises on his throat he quickly turned, opening the door and retreating out of it. His steps, though it didn't seem like he made any effort to conceal himself, were completely silent as he quickly led her down the hallway and the set of stairs that led to the common room of the inn. Old and certainly having seen better days, thanks to the chaos of the day before it was empty for the most part, only the innkeeper and two patrons there. He made a decision without voicing it to his companion, only gesturing slightly for her to follow. Rather than take them out the front door, he chose the side door that led to the stables. From there, they exited out of the back and into one of the side streets. Avoiding the main road would be best for the time being, especially with the group he saw out front. Now he had to figure out how to get them out of the village quietly. [i][h3]Cyril and Company[/h3][/i] Lora's sudden and excited response surprised the Prince, nearly catching him entirely off guard. It made him smile a little more warmly than he already was, chuckling as the memories came back one at a time. She had certainly changed in the years since he had last seen her, but that was only to be expected. In the same vein though, there were ways that she hadn't really changed, such as her energy. In a way, it was almost funny, but in a good way- And just like that, she was suddenly gone. Blinking in surprise, he looked up to his side as both Diane and Ayano began to pass him, the Sentinel chuckling to himself. [b]"Seems your presence is as intimidating as ever, Cyril. You haven't scared off anyone that bad since the port town incident." "Very funny, Diane."[/b] He gave a dismissive sort of wave as she continued on with Ayano, smirking to herself. He just waited patiently with those he hadn't dismissed, slowly looking around the village as he continued to smile. It was the first truly good news he had gotten in days, and... Well, it was certainly a wonderful surprise. He didn't have too long to muse to himself before Lora returned, speaking of the inn and why there was more than one good reason to go in that direction. [b]"Alright then. Lead on, Lora."[/b] [i][h3]Side Road – Alasa[/h3][/i] Though Alasa knew that Cyril had a reason behind wanting to seek out the so-called "angels" that had saved the village, most likely possible recruitment, the Sentinel couldn't help but feel like the brief search was a waste of time, even if it was going to be relatively short. The two saviors clearly didn't want to be found, so the likelihood of them having stayed in the village seemed very small to the archer. Following orders, Alasa had taken his horse off to the side before turning down one of the smaller streets. Moving with the animal was a little more difficult here, but he pressed on, intent on making his cut through the village as quick as possible so that he could quickly rejoin his companions on the other side. However, he ended up blinking in slight surprise as movement drew his eye, and he saw two small figures, one male and one female, exiting from the back of the stable attached to the town's inn. They moved quickly and quietly, something that made Alasa think back to what he felt about the saviors a moment before- [b]"Hey! You two! Hold up!"[/b] As soon as he raised his face, the male of the two immediately went rigid, startling to stand straight so suddenly that his strange, dark purple hair briefly fluffed upward. As Alasa approached, he was still for just a moment longer... And then, quite suddenly, he grabbed the wrist of his companion before almost throwing himself bodily to the side, dragging her along with him out of sight past the tavern. Alasa's eyes widened, stopping in shock before a moment before he began rushing forward as fast as he could while still pulling along his horse. [b]"Hey, wait-!"[/b] [i][h3]Collision[/h3][/i] It hadn't taken very much time for the group with the Prince to make it to the old inn in the town. As old as it was, it was certainly fortunate that it was standing at all, everything considered. They took their time with their approach, soon crossing in front of the alley that stretched the short space between the inn and the next building nearby, some sort of bread shop. [b]"Definitely seems as good of a place to start as necessary. Just give me-"[/b] Before Cyril could finish his sentence he stopped, a slightly concerned look coming over his face. From nearby he heard yelling, and it sounded a lot like Alasa... As he turned his head even as he walked, he saw the two smaller figures barreling towards him a little too late, as they did as well. In fact, it was so late that the male of the duo only had time to let go of his grip on the female's wrist and shove her off to the side before he simply crashed into the Prince. Despite being fairly shorter than the Prince, the small man's velocity sent the two of them tumbling in a confused mass of flailing limbs, the Prince yelling out slightly in surprise as the man almost squawked. After both hit the ground and tumbled, it took a moment for the Prince to wrench away from the man and stand back up. Taking a step back, he took a look down to the strange man who wore faded purple and bandages on the right lower quarter of his face, seeing how he remained crumpled up on the ground like a doll tossed aside, groaning as his head swayed back and forth in a disoriented fashion. [b]"What in the world-"[/b] In that moment, Alasa emerged from the alley, though at a much more controlled pace than the man and woman had been going. Not even looking to see where the woman had ended up, his eyes only on the man, he went forwards quickly with his horse before he finally let go of the reins, reaching down to lift up the short man by the scruff of his neck. From the sudden lift, the shorter man was disoriented only a little bit longer before a sort of surprised, panicked look came over his face. Rather than reaching for the blade that hung at his side, he seemed to pretend it wasn't there at all as he instead went to hold his throat, as if Alasa was choking him. [b]"Any particular reason why you ran away from me, little man?" "He is only a Wanderer! Nothing more, nothing less!" "You just ran full force into the Prince of Barcea-" "He apologizes profusely but also rejects all charges this may lead to!"[/b] Blinking rapidly, Cyril just slowly brought his hand up to the bridge of his nose, where he briefly held before he brought his hand forwards to Alasa's shoulder, trying to calm him. [b]"Tone it down a little, Alasa, I'm not hurt..."[/b]