Eye contact broke in nearly the instant it was made. If passing glances were difficult to cope with, the deliberate act considering their proximity almost made Kaite trip over his pillowy seat as he made to take a step back. On the surface, the extra height of the shoes came off as unwieldy and almost pointless. Truly, it wasn't meant to navigate within ships, though the custom design's double purpose made it difficult to actually consider giving them up. 'Hammer heels' were the idea, merely fancying up steel-toed boots to even the soles, being trained in footwork and kickboxing made them surprisingly effective in catching opponents off guard as a few of his sparring partners could attest to. Shame about the cracked ribs. Out of his peripheral vision, Kaite watched her interest shift from his face to something on the floor behind him. Instinctively, most people would try to hide secrets although the cold reasoning twisted reality for the diminutive hunter to see her attention towards the otherwise complicated squiggles as more of an opportunity to show he had nothing worth hiding. [color=8882be]"Yes- "[/color] he began, pivoting to sweep the book up with one hand to offer a closer look, blowing on the nearly dry ink as he continued,[color=8882be] "...Iz such a long journey, zehr iz so little to do."[/color] Kaite's tone softened as he gestured subtly with his eyebow and a tiny nod of his head to Aundair while they waved to the deckhands who seemed to be conspiring against him or whatever they thought they could do to a selected hunter. The motion was more to draw attention from the sketch which he gently shut away with the picture while holding a finger between the cover and the first page, just in case. [color=8882be]"It keeps me out of trouble[/color]" he joked along with the context of the others either growing more outwardly bitter by the hour by subjecting themselves to silence or other less productive activities. Kaite usually had little trouble when it came to emulating other people's emotions to fit the situation, but the crushing boredom and tense silence of the mission looming on the horizon truly left him with so little to do that he felt himself slipping. Open sky, stable ground, maybe a tree? It all sounded so inviting that it may as well be a dream with how long he'd spent in the guts of the ship. [color=8882be]"Ugh...solid ground"[/color] he thoughtfully mused, finding himself scanning the group the way others had, though the motion was more for appearances since it was a lot to take in while considering he knew practically none of them.