The Redguard stood completely still as one of her brethren, as she came to call them, smeared war paint on her face. A spiralling design that went from her neck to the edge of her mismatched eyes. The Nord, by the name of Saerin gently traced over her scars, he was the son of Agemaer, a former farmer who had joined the Dawnguard at the same time as the Dragonborn. The paint was cool on her skin. Such strange traditions the Nords had. She had yet to see red guards wearing any war paint. But it was nice, it made her feel powerful. "Ready?" She breathed, once he had finished. He nodded. Just like her, he remembered a time when vampires were the lowest of the low, scurrying from the light of day and hiding in dusty old ruins of Nordic ancestors. But now... Now they crawled out of their ratholes to bask in the darkness of the blocked out sun. "Get the others. The time is now." Her companion nods and gestures for the others. It didn't take long for the others to emerge from their hiding places from behind the watch tower outside of Castle Volkihar with weapons in hand, weapons of all kind. They all wore rags. Including Ka'ava; it was the only thing they were able to get to clothe themselves. "Brothers, Sisters, today we will do what we've been training for, what we have been yearning for since the day the Dragonborn turned their back on the dawn. Clan Volkihar [i]must[/i] fall!" A series of low cheers. Ka'ava wasn't stupid enough to just charge in there with brute force. The element of surprise was on their side. The vampires wouldn't expect a bunch of humans to attack them in their own home. "Do you have the potions?" She asked Saerin who nodded and began to pass the series of potions to the others, who took it carefully, "These are invisibility potions. Saerin stayed awake the whole night making these, they will last thirty seconds only so once we get across that bridge and in front of the door, you drink it and those of you with long ranged weapons, position yourselves in a hiding spot. Those of you with melee weapons, you will follow my lead. Understand?" They all nodded. [@Miakardia]