"I am SO sorry, miss," the mortified woman managed to choke out, jogging the rest of the way to Rebeca. "I thought I worked out its glitches, but all this excitement has-- Don't even [i]think[/i] about moving, Porygon-Z!" The pink Pokemon had started hovering around Rebeca, but it stopped at its trainer's snapping command and gave her a sheepish look, like the look of a child who had been caught breaking its parent's belongings. "What did I tell you about fire extinguishers?" Justine asked in a stern tone. "My data banks indicate that fire extinguishers are an emergency device to be used when temperatures over three hundred degrees are detected in abnormal locations," Porygon-Z explained. "This human's internal temperature is 302.84 degrees and rising." Justine blinked in astonishment, then peered at Rebeca. Porygon-Z's behavior might be eccentric, but its readings were always accurate.