[color=gray]"Of course, I usually don't have the opportunity to eat rich so this should be pleasant considering the appearance of the restaurant."[/color] Vuduin said in response to Germaine's question. Then the Diance, Seras, arrived as well. From the head nodding and small gestures of the Seras and Kirlia they were discussing something but Germaine seemed to cut them off with his next statement, then proceed to save the apparently socially awkward Wells from the terror of handshake. He could play hero and try to start a fight but not accept a handshake? Interesting. Then the girl Seras introduced herself, it seemed Vuduin had remembered her name correctly. He shook her hand, exerting force just slightly less than her own as was polite.[color=gray] "Avatar of darkrai, Vuduin, usually in the other order myself."[/color] he commented, replying to the girl in kind. [color=gray]"Besides having to elude some fans the festival has been enjoyable so far. Not sure I managed to shake all of them off."[/color] Vuduin explained calmly, a slight uplifting of his mouth at the top right corner.Seras seemed to be rather pleasant and though her outfit was quite showy it was appropriate considering the circumstances. At least it seemed tonight would be more peaceful than earlier today, perhaps Seras wouldn't have to try to be a peacemaker again. However this thought was disturbed by the Porygon grabbing a fire extinguisher and liberally dosing a random girl. Perhaps not a random girl, guessing by the foam becoming scorched and crumbling to ash.[color=gray]"Here let me help you with that."[/color] Vuduin said as he took a few steps closer. He paused a couple feet from the girl and pushed forward with his hand. A ghostly wind suddenly appeared and whirled around Rebeca gathering up the foam into a clump and managing to avoid messing with her hair or clothes. Vuduin had spent over a month practicing that trick. The foam was dumped into a trash can and Vuduin offered her a smile in an attempt to help appease her, [color=gray]"Terribly sorry about that, this porygon does appear to be slightly eccentric."[/color] Then he heard the porygon explain that she had an internal temperature of around 300 degrees. Another avatar? Otherwise by all rights she'd be dead. [color=gray]"Perhaps if she paid for your dinner you'd forgive her?"[/color] Vuduin asked politely. If she was an avatar then she deserved this free dinner by all accounts anyway. Perhaps she'd gotten here late and missed the sign ins.