Kel watched as the duo scurried away. Dang, if only they had attacked he could have gotten two more criminals off the street. He'd never seen those two before, and decided to do some research later. First, there was the Axew, who was still in a bit of a state of shock. [color=0054a6]"You don't have to say anything, I was happy to help you out pal. I hate Pokemon like that, who think since they're big and tough they can pick on the small and weak. If you ever have any problems, just ask around for Kel."[/color] Kel started walking out of the alley, when he saw the Aromatisse who had intervened. He had a few words for him. [color=0054a6]"I thank you for backing me up, but next time, let me handle it. Those were two criminals that could have gone behind bars, and I knew they would have attacked if it werent for you. Again, thanks for helping, but leave it to me next time."[/color] He didn't want to come off as rude, Kel just wanted to do what was right. By now those two would be well beyond the city so chasing would be pointless, so he headed for the Guild to check the outlaw notice boards. Maybe they might hold a clue to these two. [hr] A few hours later, and he was still where he was when he started looking. There was nothing on any duo of a Scyther or Gabite, but there would be now. He'd talked it over with Officer Magnezone, and they put out an outlaw notice for the two. That wouldn't be enough to stop them, though, Kel knew so. What they'd wanted with that Axew was a mystery to him, he didn't have any kind of money, or anything of value. He thought back to the rumors of the Stargate he'd heard a while back, that several Pokemon had come through, those from the human world. He'd discounted these long ago, but maybe there was more to them... Vanillish had finally returned from his break, and finally he could get that ice cream to calm his nerves. Something he heard there though didn't quite calm them as he'd hoped. A few traveling Pokemon were chatting nearby, and he heard something that perked his interest. [color=aba000]"I heard that a green horse like Pokemon was seen near Treasure Town, it could have been Virizion from that old Swords of Justice team..."[/color] Virizion, he hadn't heard that name for some time. He hadn't seen her in ages, ever since... No, he wouldn't even think about it right now. It was good to hear she was still around. He hadn't heard anything about Cobalion or Terrakion since the team split up... Damn it he thought about it, he just told himself he wouldn't... he needed a walk. He left his ice cream unfinished and headed out towards a nearby meadow where he went to clear his head.