[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] Ceruleo 52nd 300DM, nightfall [b]Starting Location:[/b] Frostfell, somewhere in the Indiga Mountains [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2896760]Alya Eloen[/url] & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3012336]Rilana Aurorime'[/url] The wind had been picking up all day, the icy gusts seeming to blow right through Rilana as though she were made of cheesecloth. When she looked out across the mountains all she could see was the roiling white wall of winter stormclouds, and she suspected that the next few days were going to be rough indeed. Not only that, but she was haunted by her conversation with Svarak, the joy of celebrating her birthday drastically muted by the sheer weight of knowledge pressing down on her mind like a heavy stone. This mission was no longer about getting home, nor was it about bringing strangers to her beautiful, fair city. It had become a sort of fell trudge towards misery and terrible powers she knew nothing about. Her dreams were fulling of laughing feline jaws and crystal swords and dark, terrible things suffocating her and dragging her down into a crimson darkness. The Moon Fey lit a lantern in her tent, both to provide warmth and light. Ortha was gnawing at one of her own bony plates, and Rilana guessed that it was itching as it continued to grow. Emerging from the tent flap, doing her best to keep the hole as small as possible, Rilana went to look for Alya. Pausing only to make sure that Bruin was grazing happily in his nosebag, the druid trod lightly through the snow until she found the half-elf. [color=00aeef]"Hey Alya. Want to come visit with me? I have honey for tea!"[/color] She probably didn't need to coax the mute, but it was fun to try luring her out with promises of the yummy treat she picked up in Green Falls. [color=00aeef]"I'm restless and I have to stand watch in a few hours anyways. Bring Echo with you and it will be warmer with all four of us."[/color] [i][color=fff200]Five. Six, if you invite him.[/color][/i] The snide suggestion might have made Rilana blush once, but now it only made her feel hollow.