[b]Name: [color=7bcdc8]Finnras Duskarynn[/color][/b] [b]Race:[/b] Drow [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 211 [b]Birthday:[/b] Mauven 61st 90 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Underdark near Stone Crest [b]Resides in:[/b] Underdark near Stone Crest [b]Occupation:[/b] Adventurer/Mercenary 5gp/day [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/5f27/i/2012/148/f/5/socair_ceannas_by_mavrosh-d4xnq45.jpg[/img][hider=Pic Almost NSFW][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/2211/th/pre/i/2015/115/5/8/framed_elf_by_mavrosh-d4ylycf.jpg[/img][/hider] Stands 5'6". Lean and athletic. Black skin, blue eyes, long white hair. A very charming and personable psychopath. [b]Personality:[/b] Will reveal through RP. [b]History:[/b] Will reveal through RP. [b]Skills:[/b] Necromancy: 30 Stealth: 30 Weapon (scimitar): 30 Wilderness Survival (Underdark): 10 Interrogation: 5 Subterfuge: 10 Music (Violin/Fiddle): 5 [i]Total 90 + 30 (racial)[/i] [b]Special Abilities:[/b] Heat Infravision [hider=Knowledge] n/a [/hider] [b]Possessions:[/b] [u]Item | Acquired | Value[/u] Explorer's Outfit x2 | Starting | 20GP Courtier's Outfit | Starting | 30GP Entertainer's Outfit (silk) | Starting | 75GP Traveler's Cloak (spider silk) | Starting | 25GP Studded Leather Armour | Starting | 25GP Scimitar | Starting | 45GP Dagger, Ivory | Starting | 8GP Poison | Starting | 45GP Antitoxin Vial | Starting | 50GP Chain (10ft) | Starting | 30GP Rope (10ft) | Starting | 1GP Rucksack | Starting | 1GP Manacles, Master | Starting | 50GP Bone Fiddle | Starting | 160 GP (40GP x 4) Sapphire Jewelry | Starting | ?? [b]Ledger:[/b] Cost | Item | Subtotal +200 | Starting | 200 +1000 | No house | 1200 -565 | Starting Purchases | 635 [b]Other:[/b] N/A [b]Story List:[/b] [u]Date - URL - Characters involved[/u] n/a