[@Antarctic Termite] The Scyther's bladed hand was pressed tightly on Devin's neck. He was starting to feel lightheaded, everything was starting to turn a bright white, and he then felt the rough, hard ground. Devin struggled, but managed to get up off the unesven ground. He had many scrapes and bruises, and a mark on his neck where the Scyther's hand had been. Before he could speak a word, the Horse Pokemon that had apparently saved him, told him he didn't need to thank him. Devin wanted to thank him, but the least he could do for his savior was obey his simple request. He also noticed the fairy Pokemon that tried to get him to run an errand stand on the same side where the horse Pokemon had been. Devin didn't see much, as most everything around him was turning blurry. Even after he had r jetted his request, it seemed he came to save him. Devin went over to talk to him but it seemed, 'Kel' had beat him to the Pokemon. Kel thanked him for helping, but assured him he could have done it himself. [i]So the pink guy did help...[/i] Once Kel left, the small Axew approached the fairy type. [color=8882be]"I-I just wanted to th-thank you Sir. Even after I rejected your request you still helped m-me. Well, I have no money,candy nothing else to offer, so I was wondering if that errand was still available."[/color]