Taking his extended hand Vayen rose from the floor [color=0072bc]"Shall we find out when we dock brother?"[/color] She challenged him tonguing an old grooved scar on the top of her lip, remnants of one of their sparring sessions taken too far again. While she could best him with a spear easily enough it was by sword that frustratingly she had never been able. Their difference not all in technique for they shared the same instruction but for his ability to subdue and control his emotions from behind his mask. [color=0072bc]"Let me gather my things and I'll meet you up there shortly."[/color] she added as Aundair moved past with a friendly word and pat on Reynald's shoulder. Aundair like the other two unfamiliar initiates must have been chosen from the second stronghold. Vayen did not feel comfortable with these unfamiliar faces, while they all served under the one banner how could she trust those she didn't know. Turning away she proceeded back to her bunk, Reinham's fresh words in her thoughts and the conversation from the exotic Elder Blood woman and they pretty boy filled her ears she dressed into her more appropriate hunter attire ready to depart this blasted vessel.