[quote=@Nytefall] You have a clairvoyants ability in your list of abilities. May i suggest just having her as an elementalist to better min max her power set. Water manipulation can be useful when making potions. Instant bunsen burner in your hand with fire. Wind control is already one of your powers. Then earth well you can make yourself some cool statues. [/quote] I edited the CS with your advice in mind. I hope it's ok now. If there are anymore questions or unclarities, just let me know, I'm sure we'll figure it out ;) [hider=Eyja] [center] [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120718/women%20animals%20magic%20the%20gathering%20long%20hair%20corset%20fantasy%20art%20owls%20cloak%20artwork%20bears%20braids%20lowa_www.wallpaperhi.com_44.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Eyja [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Equipment:[/b] Grimoire, a collection of spells, potions and rituals inherent to her spritual guardian, Calfer. Should she loose the owl her knowledge of these things would be lost and could only be recovered with the help of her couvern. [b]Personality:[/b] Eyja is gentle soul. She is peaceful and quiet and tends to drift off into visions . Her bond with the spiritual world is natural to her, without she wouldn't know what to do. In her couvern she was known for her potions and ointments against all kinds of ill-beeing. Her mental leader is the owl that stands for justice, intuition and an inquisitive soul and provides guidance on her spiritual endeavours. In times of danger or gerat trial the bear will come to her in her dreams, granting her the gifts of patience and strength – in these times she is a true practitioner of her art. Eyja has also witnessed the wolf in her dreams, an animal that symbolizes community, adaptability and sensitivity. [hr] [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Potion brewing[/i] The witch was taught in the art of potion brewing by her couvern. She specialized in healing ointments and potions of all kinds. The preparation takes time, though, which means she regularly stocks up on them, taking a weekend or two to brew everything. [i]Elemental magic[/i] By using her grimoire Eyja is able to control the elements to a small degree. Following the teachings of her couvern she uses her spells only for defensive or healing purposes. When not near her spiritual guardian she uses a small pendant with a pentagram carved into it to help her control the elements and form them to her will. The pendant was made for her in a long ritual that involved half of her sisters and mothers. Due to her young age her control is limited but will grow as she gathers more experience. [img]http://www.henjo-ancientmagick.com/pentam12.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]History: [/b] Eyja was raised in the couvern, by the couvern. Her mother, a witch herself, died shortly after the birth of her daughter. However the community of wiccan sisters took the sibling in as their own and raised her to be a great witch. With her powers and abilities trained thus she developed a natural association with the heavenly realm which allowed her to receive visions. However, these visions seldom show the future, they are bound to the past like the spirits sending them. Eyja could relive lifetimes of memories from these souls. Her sensibility to these visions is the strongest when she is resting. When she turned eighteen her sisters sent her out into the woods for a night beneath the stars. There she met Calfer, her companion ever since. The owl found the girl as she was watching the heavens, lost in a vision of how this place used to look. As she awakened the animal sat beside her and looked at her. It followed her back to her home where her sisters rejoiced for she had found her power animal. He guides her in her ways and moralities and helps her retrieve her grimoire from the sheltered place within her soul. The grimoire is essential to her spell casting since she wouldn't be able to practice magic without a ritual otherwise. Eyja doesn't practice her magical abilities unless she has to. Having been brought up in a secluded abbey that serves as home to the couvern Eyja decided she wanted to see the outside world. She moved to London where she opened a small tee and herb shop called 'Berula', the Latin word for herb. Lucky enough to have found a small house for rent she lives above her shop. She has been living here for a two years now, enjoying the freedom of independency, though missing her sisters and mother who she visits once a year. [/center] [/hider]