[center][h1][color=#F0960E]Liam Carter[/color][/h1][/center] Liam was at the wall at around six in the morning. He slowly made his way to the wall he was working on and sat at the edge that faced the forest outside of Periphery. He sat there and waited as the sun rose in the distance. And just like every other day, Liam held his breath as he watched it rise. No matter how many years he worked the wall. Nothing was more rewarding to him than to see the beauty that was nature. For about five minutes Carter lost all sense of time as he just stared at everything. Thoughts of what else was out there rushed through him like a river as he gazed out into the distance. [color=#F0960E]What else lies beyond what I can see? What else is yet to be discovered? Is there a beauty more profound than this? Will I ever see it?[/color] He said aloud as he took out his notebook and wrote down what he just said. Soon the sun took its place above the clouds and Liam set his mind on his work. Soon the rest of the workers had joined him, continuing a project that, To Liam, seemed never-ending. [i][color=#F0960E]“A wall that would reach the clouds” some say, but the clouds seem to never stop gaining altitude for me. Maybe one day we will reach the clouds…..I wonder what exactly we could see once we achieve such a feat.[/color][/i] Liam thought as he was interrupted by the shouts of the boss lady herself Dazz telling everyone to start moving. Liam could not help but give out a small chuckle as she was doing so. Liam had worked with her for what seemed like eternity and he still was somewhat intimidated by her. But he knew that underneath it all was a kind soul so he never really was truly terrified of her, though he has seen what she will do to those who do not respect or listen to her. [color=#F0960E]Relax boss lady, I’m sure by the time the inspector or whatever he is called arrives everything will be done.[/color] He said as he took a glass of water off the tray Chigger had, patting the robot on its metallic head as it zoomed past. As Liam took a short rest he noticed Otto resting nearby. [color=#F0960E]Speak of the devil I do believe he has arrived.[/color] He told no one in particular as he gave a short wave to Otto and walked over to Emmitt. [color=#F0960E]Hey Emmitt, I heard the boss complaining about the rivets you were working on. Need any help?[/color] [@Smertless]