Rei was clearly confused, despite his best attempts to remain respectful he wasn't convinced. There was so many intricacies to affection, it's different forms, the way it could grow into more, it was too much to explain all in one go. Though as his lips parted from Rei's he noted the change in the fae, the difference was reassuring though part of Alessandro wondered if the fae had simply held his breath during the kiss. Rei was soon dispelling that thought with a description of what he'd felt during their kiss. Alessandro listened quietly and when asked if that was what he'd though would happen he gave a slight nod, "Yes it is." Though how to explain it? "It's...tricky to explain." Though Rei came up with another solution, further experimentation? "If you are...sure." Alessandro stated lightly, it was cruel in some ways, the fae had no idea what was happening, if things progressed Alessandro wouldn't say no but would that be taking advantage? Further what if they were caught? It hardly mattered though, right? Looking at the fae's begging eyes, desire hidden in a murky confusion. Alessandro caressed the boy's cheeks gently, "Alright. This time, I want you to go with whatever your body feels like doing, alright? It'll be a better experiment that way." It felt so wrong to deceive him like this but at the same time it was the only way to prove both the Prince's theory and the Fae's misunderstood 'truth'. If it got too far Alessandro hoped he'd be strong enough to stop things but part of him didn't want to be that strong. "If things get too...strange and you feel you can't deal with it anymore, just say stop alright?" Emotions, especially attraction and excitement, had a habit of burning out of control if they weren't watched carefully. If the fae agreed to the terms of their 'experiment' he leaned in once again, this time he tilted his head slightly to one side, guiding Rei in with his hands before allowing one to fall away from his face and slip, fingertips tracing his neck and shoulders, to the middle of his back, bringing him closer but not forcefully. His lips pressed firmly but not crushing nor hard to Rei's own, once again they lingered there, waiting to see Rei's reaction before he dared think about 'extending' the experiment.