For the most part, Alya didn't really take much notice in what Rilana was saying. Something about frozen honey and how she didn't know it would happen. [i][color=6ecff6]She knows Trix?[/color][/i] Alya wondered when hearing the name. Such a small world they lived in. Such a terrible one too. She frowned at the thought, only to be distracted again by the Moon Fey's talking. She gave the Moon Fey a slight nod as she suggested that she just write and allow her hair to be braided. To tell Rilana what was bothering her was to tell her everything about her vision and her purpose. She didn't know if she should disclose it at all. Meanwhile, Echo was busy chewing and pulling at the piece of jerky that the wonderfully generous Fey lady gave to him. Oh what a treat! Alya didn't make any move to resist Rilana's actions, obediently sitting in the taller woman's lap. She had leaned back slightly when she had moved onto Rilana's lap, feeling the Moon Fey's enviable cleavage touch her back, along with the feeling of a.. jar of what may be the honey. She leaned forward slightly as she began to write, her writing was slow at the start, but soon pick up pace. She started to write about the Elf woman and how she told Alya that it was their purpose to help her, find her purpose. She explained what a White Elf's purpose was, in rather simplistic terms. [color=6ecff6]"It is a mission given to us that we must complete. Some of us have greater purposes. Like me."[/color] She paused, her hand visibly trembling slightly before continuing. This most likely wasn't the kind of 'conversation' that Rilana was looking for, but Alya didn't know what else to talk about. It was all she could think of. She began to describe her vision to Rilana. It started to sound like a fairy tale. A land filled with Fey and beautiful plants and animals. A mountain island with winged beings upon it. A colourful world. It soon started to sound like a nightmare as she explained the death and destruction that took place in her vision. She could feel the emotions flowing back to her as she tried to write about the anguish and the darkness. She stopped writing mid-sentence, her whole body trembling as tears began to spill from her eyes once more. A few tears dripped onto the parchment, smudging some of the words, however the story would still be quite evident despite that.