The meadow was beautiful, the air fresh and clear, bright colors everywhere, it was certainly the kind of place one could forget all their worries. That is, except for Kel. Ever since he'd heard her name, the thoughts kept rolling through his head. He couldn't silence them, not for a while at least. He'd hoped coming to this serene setting could help take his mind off things, but it wasn't. He headed over to a nearby water pool, dunked his head in, and pulled it out of the fresh spring water. That helped a little. At least he was alone, he never spoke to anyone about what happened that night... Great, now he'd started thinking about it again! Every time he gets those thoughts out of his head there they are again. Many Pokemon can easily put their pasts behind them, but not Kel. [color=0054a6]"Why'd we have to do it? Why'd we have to break up like that? I'll still never know what really happened between all of us, maybe it was me, maybe it was just the fact that we needed some time apart..."[/color] He talked about his old team, the Swords of Justice. Together they were one of the greatest teams of their time, until something caused them to disband and go their separate ways, something Kel doesn't even know, or knows and doesn't want to remember... He proceeded to pace back and forth around the pool of water, until he'd finally gotten his head somewhat clearer. That's when he noticed the lateness of the hour. It was nearly noon, he'd been out here since early this morning he'd guessed. He chuckled, he hadn't even had time to relax after he came back from the Staraptor mission. He pulled himself together, and headed back towards town. He took one look back to the calming meadow behind him, and continued back to town. [hr] When he arrived back to his home, a little one person cottage on the edge of town, he settled in for a nap, for he had walked almost the entire night getting back here. But then he noticed something, it looked like a note on the table. It didn't have any words on it, but it did have a single hoof mark, left in green ink. [color=0054a6]"It... It couldn't really be, could it? She was sighted over by Treasure Town, and that's a good ways away from here..."[/color] He studied the footprint carefully, if this was a forgery, it was a pretty dang good one. No, it had to be genuine, Virizion had been here! He proceeded to cautiously stroll around town a bit, looking for any sign of his old friend. No one had seen anything out of the ordinary, especially not a large green horse Pokemon. He returned home and went into deep thought. Why would she leave this, why would she come here? They hadn't talked since that night... He yawned, and would ponder it more later. For now, he blew out the candles in his room and went to bed, completely exhausted from that night's trip and the events this morning. So many things were beginning to happen, very odd things. First that Scyther and Gabite twosome trying to kidnap that Axew, now this apparent note from Virizion. What could it all mean...