[hider=Appearance][center][img]http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae68/Dan96_/2015-03-01%2001.49.23.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [b][color=#722f37]Name:[/color][/b] Celia Pinot [b][color=#722f37]Colour:[/color][/b] wine red [hider=Symbol:] crimson/black/white version of this [img]http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-vector-vector-illustration-of-two-cowboy-revolver-guns-with-shield-on-the-grunge-background-52668145.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][color=#722f37]Race:[/color][/b] Human [b][color=#722f37]Status:[/color][/b] Student [b][color=#722f37]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=#722f37]Bio:[/color][/b] Born into a family of talented fencers, life wasn't easy for Celia. The standards were high and there was little to no room for failure. Unlike her older Brother Allen, who was a natural with the rapier, Celia struggled with this noble class fighting style. She tried hard but she was simply never good enough. Being seen as the bad seed in the family Celia decided to run away from home, but she didn't know where to. Alas after hours she ended up lost in a forest, alone all by herself again. Celia thought that this forest would be her grave, but as she was sitting on the ground crying she feld a hand petting her head accompanied with a calming voice 'Why is such an adorable girl like you sitting in the forest bawling her eyes out? Are you lost?'. It was a man wearing a brimmed hat that looked like out of a western movie. When she looked up she immediately noticed him, Milo Crawford, the best weapons teacher at Vale focusing on ranged attacks. She begged him to teach her since he was one she looked up to and after approximately 20 minutes he finally gave in but she had to pass a test first. Celia agreed with these terms and they went back to his home together. When they arrived, it was time for Celias test, Milo gave her a bucket which had a hole in it and said 'Fill it with water, it must be full to the brim.' Nothing easier than that Celia thought, but it turned out to be harder than one might think when you have no tools to help yourself. After several tries she gave up, in anger she threw the bucket into a river, she had failed again. Milo watched her all the time and walked up to her giggling 'My my you truly are easy to upset now are you? Soo, when do you want to start with the training?'. In all her anger she didn't notice that she passed the test, as the bucket sunk in the river, it was full to the brim with water. A lot of time has passed and Celia turned out to be skillful with revolvers. Saying good bye was hard, but Celia already had a new goal, she wanted to become a huntress. Before she left Milo gave her his brimmed hat he wore when they first met, she thanked him for everything and moved on on her journey. [b][color=#722f37]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [hider=Weapon:] a pair of Dust revolvers she calls 'Crimson Melody' [url=http://claudiuskuo.deviantart.com/art/Butterfly-Blades-Update-452375587?q=gallery%3Aclaudiuskuo%2F43615718&qo=3][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/7ba5/th/pre/i/2014/126/6/2/butterfly_blades_update_by_claudiuskuo-d7hbz8j.png[/img][/url][/hider] [b][color=#722f37]Semblance/Special Ability:[/color][/b] Hawkeye - greatly buffs her eyesight, allowing her to see everything within a few hundred metres. (Also buffs accuracy) [b][color=#722f37]Equipment:[/color][/b] Crimson Melody, some dust cartriges to refill her revolvers, clothes and her precious hat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkFZn4oPMqE [center][b][color=#722f37]SAFETY NOTE: DON'T TOUCH THE F**KING HAT![/color][/b][/center]