[center][h2]Lucar[/h2][/center] "Sulik, Delro and I have done good business for decades. One more borrowed speeder isn't going to screw that up. Hell, this isn't even the first I've had to steal from him this month." Lucar began prepping the speeder for takeoff. Unfortunately, he was met with the sound of grinding gears. "Besides, I'm not doing time in a Republic prison. They'd take my fingerprints and find me out. They'd send me back to Naboo." Leaning over the divider, Lucar reached into a compartment and retrieved the owner's manual. Leaning over in the driver's seat, he thumbed through it in a panic. Something was obviously upsetting him. "I can't go back to Naboo, Sulik. The Gungans will kill me after the incident." Sighing in frustration, Lucar tossed the owner's manual over his shoulder. "Frell it, I'm not chancing Naboo." With that, he slammed his fist into the dash... as the speeder's repulsorlifts flared to life. He gunned the accelerator, shifting the gear... and finding himself unable to slow down. A few seconds later, the antique dealer and Trandoshan were crashing into a stand selling some sort of citrus fruit across the street. Lucar coughed as the dust cleared, waving a hand in front of his face to clear the air. He shook his fist at the crashed speeder. "Who the hell still drives stick?!"