"What is your full name?" "Felix Christopher Bellwood." "How do you look?" "Erm... Like this?" *Notices Quick-Quote Quill hovering nearby* Oh right, I'm 6' 2", brown hair, average build with brown eyes. I like to stay fashionable and in shape by swimming. And apparently have a nice smile." [URL=http://s383.photobucket.com/user/summer81_81/media/HOT%20Male%20Models/andrewwww.jpg.html][IMG]http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo277/summer81_81/HOT%20Male%20Models/andrewwww.jpg[/IMG][/URL] "Describe your personality. Be honest, I will be able to tell if you lie to me." "Oo ok. Erm... Well I like to think I'm a nice guy. I believe in fair play, honesty and am always there to help out my friends or any student in fact. Probably the reason I'm a prefect. Oh except maybe a few of the Slytherins. Oh no, don't write that down! Anyway I am loyal to my closest friends and am very sociable but also focused on my studies, I'm very conscientious about making the most of my education. "What house are you in? Do you feel you belong in this house?" "Well my previous answer might be a clue. I'm in Hufflepuff but was sure I was going to be in Ravenclaw. But the sorting hat spoke about intelligence belonging in any house whereas my heart showed the honesty and compassion of a Hufflepuff. So there you have it. I'm a badger." "How is your O.W.L. and/or N.E.W.T. progress going? In other words, which classes do you specialize in? "Well.. for my O.W.L.s I got Outstanding in Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Exceeds expectations in Potions, Ancient Runes and Astronomy. And Acceptable in History of Magic and Arithmancy. Yeah I worked hard. This year I'm starting N.E.W.T.s in Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts." "Do you play in Quidditch?" "God no! Too must risk and I don't have quick enough reaction speeds!" "What does your Patronus look like?" "My patronus is a puffin. It's adorable! And fully formed I might add, not many others in my year can say that." "Do you have a pet that stays with you?" "I have a tabby cat called Minny. She's named after the Headmistress who is one of my idols, her animagus form is a tabby cat." "What are your most used spells?" "Oppugno. NO! Avis. Or...Cantis. Although I do do a good Cheering charm and Colovaria....Glacius... No Protego. Protego Maxima. I'm best at my shields."