[b]Emergency Response Droid F7-250[/b] A blur of blue and white, F7 streaked down the corridors that twisted inside the [i]Ardent Liberty's[/i] interior. The machine bounded off walls, leaped over the panicked and frantic movements of other humanoids rushing towards the sounds of battle, and ricocheted past all manner of obstacles in order to complete its task. As an ERD, response time was everything, and F7 in particular was programmed to seek out the most efficient path possible to better preserve organic life. Ever the slave to its programming, F7 would not be denied in the pursuit of its goal. Absolute focus, that was the reward droids received in exchange for the chaotic non-conformity of most other sentient, and it proved this focus that spurred F7's servos into action. Its agile, cat-like form screeched to a halt in front of the flashing, red lights of Engineering; small sparks birthed into existence as metal scraped against metal underneath the droid's feet. Optical scanners scouring for signs of distress, F7's large, blue head provided stark contrast to the emergency lights shinning above as the machine ducked into the room. It didn't take long for the droid to locate the sprawled and slightly bleeding form of an engineer, the poor man's head being cradled by a fellow organic as others swarmed around the pair. "Attention, my purpose is the extraction and preservation of injured organics. That humanoid has sustained damage to its chassis, and I will repair it to the best of my ability. Permission is not required," F7 explained flatly to the worried form of the uninjured engineer. Its programming dictated that during times of stress, organics tended to respond irrationally to stimuli, and as such, when the conditions were met, F7 was to lend its aide as its processors deemed logical. The engineer did not offer resistance as its three-pronged digits gingerly replaced hers. The whir and buzz of its processors operating at full capacity hummed quietly as F7 analyzed the sustained wounds. [i]Unconscious, Human male. Carpal bones seemed to have sustained three hairline fractures, and abrasion on left-side cranium indicates head injury. Possible concussion. Solution: Immediate transfer to medical bay for further aide.[/i] "I will be relocating this organic to the nearest medical facility. I recommend you return to your preassigned task so that other organics do not succumb to the opposition's star-craft fire. Lasers are extremely hazardous to one's health," F7 ordered matter-of-factly to the still sitting engineer. Without waiting to see if the humanoid responded, the machine proceeded to carry the injured organic in its arms bridal-style and rushed towards the Med-Bay. While the Human seemed fairly stable, F7 did not want to risk the chance of the Corvette's now obvious and risky landing jeopardizing its new patient. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Dark Jedi Akaemos Fain[/b] That cold, cruel smirk crept its way back onto Akaemos' face as Tras Oren's words buzzed into his comlink. Heading his Commander's que, the Chiss fell in line with the rest of now apparent Acolytes. He saw a few familiar faces, well, masks rather, stand at attention beside Tras Oren. However, one caught his that he hadn't noticed before. She introduced herself to the Hutt and its surrounding henchmen as Darth Ianthinus, before falling back in-line with the rest of her fellows. Her accent was strange, Akaemos decided. Not quite Imperial, but rather more colloquial and relaxed. [i]Perhaps I should keep an eye out for her,[/i] he thought to himself. It was perhaps a bit too irregular to so casually introduce oneself to a crime lord and its lackeys, and it would be just like the Jedi to attempt to infiltrate their ranks, but then again, Akaemos had a tendency to jump at shadows. Regardless of its legitimacy, the Chiss kept his concern filed away in the back of his mind for later. Ready for whatever those Jedi scum brought for his entertainment and ever the creature of Imperial habits, Akaemos waited for further orders from his superior and the green light to assault the New Republic crew.