[b]Spring of the Year 2718[/b] The new life creeping through Alria does not stop the endless bloodshed upon the continent. War rages between nations in both the East and the West, even as the Darkness continues to push further into the land. However the war-like nations seems to be slowly fading under the force of new alliances, so perhaps soon the nations may turn their attention towards the real threat to their very survival. [b]New Engelica[/b], marching shoulder to shoulder with their Dwarven allies from the Broken Empire for the first time, not only deliver the killing blow for Limgar, but also experience first-hand the great potential of Dirigibles. Already the nation is rife with stories of Magi flying high in the sky. Now that the last threat is wiped out, the proud magical nation has time to recover. Resting from their recent string of battles against the Holy Empire, [b]Tushienia[/b] are finally given time to rest, retreating back to their own provinces and licking their wounds as they no doubt already plan their next move, primarily how to stave off the Darkness threatening them from the East. Winning yet more battles as the snows begin to melt, the [b]Broken Empire[/b] find themselves gaining new lands thanks to allies; with New Engelica helping them secure land in the north, and Bripiak aiding them against the Lagosami Tribes in the West. Surrounded by allies, the Broken Empire has many options open to it. Another nation to march to war alongside their allies, the [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b] aid the Republic of Andinon against Dagrenas, pushing back the aggressive Illusion nation. Meanwhile, in the south, Zakol bears the full strength of the Lagosami Tribes. While forced to retreat from one province, they show great resilience, as well as good choice in allies, as they deal the Tribes a heavy defeat, the first that bloodthirsty nation has experienced. Marching for revenge against Dagrenas, with their Zakol allies at their sides, the [b]Republic of Andinon[/b] gains both a new province and a deep respect for the devastating power of the Arquebus. Now, pushed by the Darkness to the north, the Republic must choose where best to use her strength. Continuing their string of impressive battles, [b]Pankra[/b] once again smashes any resistance put against them by the Union of Blaris. But there are hushed whispers that the heavily under garrisoned islands left behind are weak, even as the Darkness slowly drifts closer across the water from the West. The [b]Confederacy of Sawl[/b], awakening from its slumber with a start. Dirigibles and ships both pushing across the seas, only for the intended target to be seized from in front of them by their island neighbors, Pankra. [b][u]New Traits[/u][/b] [b]Pistols:[/b] [i](Requires Light Cavalry and This is my Boomstick)[/i] By sacrificing the power of the Arquebus, engineers have managed to create a smaller version, able to be fired from horseback, creating a swift, skirmishing unit. [i](Can replace Light Cavalry with "Pistoliers")[/i] [b]Against the Dark:[/b] Your men have seen and heard of the horrors that come from the shadows and have seen that it dies just like any other enemy. No more will your troops fear the Darkness, they will embrace it. [i](All your troops have an advantage against the Darkness)[/i] [b]Enchantment:[/b] [i](Requires four other Traits in Elemental/Divine/Necromancy)[/i]The Magi of the lands have learnt to call upon the spirits of magic itself, commanding them softly and pouring their power into the weapons and armor of their nation. This power grants greater strength and toughness, allowing the soldiers to fight harder and for longer. [i](Increases the combat ability of all troops when Magi/War-Magi are present)[/i] [b]Conjure Familiars:[/b] [i](Requires a Greater Magic)[/i] Creatures of the elements; these magical beasts obey their master, the magicians that summoned them, without question and will gladly throw themselves at the enemy to protect their casters [i](Allows each unit of War-Magi present to conjure 1 Unit of Familiars)[/i] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/fb6b/f/2016/011/a/2/map_by_romerorp-d9nly32.png[/img] [b][u]MAP KEY[/u][/b] [hider] [u][b]Provinces 1-24[/b][/u] [hider]Province 1 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 2 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 3 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 4 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 5 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 6 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 7 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 8 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 9 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 10 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 11 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 12 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 13 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 14 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 15 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 16 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 17 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 18 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 19 - [b]Dagrenas[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 20 - [b]Dagrenas[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 21 - [b]Dagrenas[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 22 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 23 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 24 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 25-61[/u][/b] [hider]Province 25 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 26 - [b]Iparis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 27 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 28 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 29 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 30 - [b]Cosab[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 31 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 32 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 33 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 34 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 35 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 36 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 37 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 38 - [b]Empire of Ubalri[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 39 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 40 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 41 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 42 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 43 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 44 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 45 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 46 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 47 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 48 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 49 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 50 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 51 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 52 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 53 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 54 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 55 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 56 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 57 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 58 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 59 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 60 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 61 - [b]Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 62-70[/u][/b] [hider]Province 62 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 63 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 64 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 65 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 66 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 67 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 68 - [b]Kebriw[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 69 - [b]Kebriw[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 70 - [b]Kebriw[/b][i](NPC)[/i][/hider][/hider]