With the departure of the guards and the portly "victim", the boy and young woman were left alone on the cobblestone street, no worse for wear, although the woman a considerable amount of coin poorer. She was a curiosity and people didn't just throw down that much coin to help a stranger, even if they were a child... or innocent, for that matter. As the meager crowd thinned out, the excitement of the altercation having passed, Randall approached with a single clap of the hands and a sly smile. [color=0054a6]"Well, it's not every day one gets to enjoy such open defiance of the greedy bastards. I swear, he got winded picking up the scattered pieces."[/color] Randall laughed, keeping a polite distance from the pair. He rose a pair of apologetic hands. [color=0054a6]"Allow me to apologize for the intrusion, I'm simply an admirer and a friend in a city where both are in exceedingly short supply."[/color] He said, looking after the sorcerer and his entourage, his brow creasing as a frown took over his countenance. [color=0054a6]"Some words of advice from a man who might as well been this boy when I was his age, if you'll have them. I don't know if you're sick of people like that, new to this city, or unaware of how dangerous it is, but they won't likely let something like this slide. The humiliation, you see. Slights fester like infected wounds, so I'd keep a low profile until that fat bastard's ire is on somebody else. Also,"[/color] he turned back to face the woman. [color=0054a6]"It's incredibly dangerous to be flashing money like that, especially if it's to help someone else. People here will gut their own mothers for a loaf of bread. Unless you plan on avoiding a city that seems to be comprised entirely out of suspicious alleyways, somebody in this crowd took notice of that and word's going to spread. Somebody's probably planning to see what else you have on you, and honestly, I'm not comfortable with the idea of the first decent person I've seen in months get punished for actually giving a shit about somebody the world gave up on. Ah, my apologies. Manners." [/color] Randall smiled apologetically and offered a hand. [color=0054a6]"The name's Randall. Just that, nothing fancy or extra. Keeps people like your friend from finding my whereabouts when I decide to knock him down a peg."[/color]