Prior to Seras' arrival Vuduin replied to Germaine, and he too had a simialr motivation to be here as Germaine. The chance to try some new exotic and expensive foods - free of charge. Germaine had to admit, he'd warm up to this Avatar business considerably more if free food was always a part of the bargain. He was also glad that neither he nor Darkrai had made any attempt on Wells, because it was certainly tempting to Germaine, the more he was in that mans presence the more he grew to hate him. Shortly afterwards Seras arrived. Seras blushed slightly when Germaine interrupted her silent conversation with Kirlia; he normally knew what Kirlia was thinking about, it probably involved him, but as to what they actually spoke about, was something he could not deduce, even if he tried. Following this she responded to Germaines question. [color=deeppink]“Just as eventful, I’m afraid, but far more relaxing all the same. I’ve been selling statuettes in the main plaza - there’s no end to the tourists who love them, and once you’ve already said yes to one person, it’s hard to say no to the second.”[/color] This was true, Germaine thought to himself, and as well as that it was bad business practice, this was most likely one of her main forms of income, which wasn't at all bad, using her powers for good and joy. Germaine could do something similar; allowing scientists to explore and learn about the distortion world... It would take some hellish persuasion to allow him to ever contemplate this however; the first human to ever enter the distortion world was none other than a scientist, one who wanted to destroy the entire universe; the entire plane of existence for his foolish ideals! It only just occurred to him after this short inside outburst within his own head that he realised Seras had said something else; but he had been a tad to preoccupied to listen to what she was actually saying... Another downside to his lack of contact with any living being for millennia... Seras was now doing something quite odd; the gems on her clothing and general appeal began to dim, as before they shone quite radiantly, despite the fact that it was now well past dusk. And it quickly became evident as to why this was, Seras was forming a new crystal in her hands and before long produced a magnificent sculpture that resembled Kirlia with stunning detail, it was almost photographic but in the form of solid gemstone. Kirlia couldn't believe her eyes, and they opened wide, both astonished and in admiration. And followed soon after when Seras handed it to her it turned to that of incredible joy, to the point where she was almost in tears as her eyes assumed a glassy look to them. [color=deeppink]“Consider this a homecoming gift to share with Kirlia. I wouldn't dream of charging another avatar - our gifts are to share freely amongst each other.”[/color] Kirlia with slight strain managed to compose a message to Seras before shortly giving a small [b]Poof[/b] as she teleported to take her treasure back home - she would return later that evening. [color=limegreen]"Thank you so much! And I will! Germaine is worth that much; no one should have to suffer what he has, Charity will know herself if she looks deep enough within Germaines heart, she can tell you."[/color] A rather strange touch to add to a compliment, but part of understanding Germaine meant that one had to understand what he had suffered. After that Seras turned from the pair; or rather Germaine himself as Kirlia had just teleported with a gleeful hop before hand, she then began to speak to Vuduin. (Notify me if this requires removal or reform.) Germaine took the time to observe his surroundings, as he typically did. The restaurant itself was inside the city's interior, although it was located in the North eastern section, as it did have an outdoor section that overlooked a near by river. This part of the city had similar types of attractions in it, it was typically the "high" end of the city, it contained several Posh eatery establishments, "The Ritzy Raichu" merely being one of the ones available. It was during this time, of Germaines observations that he spotted a girl who turned one her heels away from the restraunt, but he disregarded it as nothing of importance; that was until that blasted artificial creation; Porygon-Z zoomed to the "rescue" and doused the girl in a foam from a fire extinguisher it has just momentarily liberated from the restaurant moments before. There was no fire to speak of... the blasted thing must be malfunctioning; as is the result of man attempting to create artificial Pokémon, be it intent or mistake; or even a by-product of humanity's avarice. Certain Pokémon did exist in the world, specifically Ghost types that existed ONLY due to humanity being the despicable lifeforms that they were; Giratina was of course the exception to that rule. Germiane simply looked down towards the Porygon Z with severe distaste; until he realised that the foam designed to put out fires was fizzling and seemingly disintegrating from her body, at least parts exposed directly to her skin were at any rate; the rest was cleared up rather kindly by Vuduin, using a Pokemon move that was designated as an attack but for utility instead; this of course warranted merit. It was also around this time that the boy, or peace keeper number 2 showed up, unremarkably he went straight towards Seras, something Germaine had anticipated he'd do, and quite frankly he didn't blame him. For someone who looked so young, he faced a hell of a challenge and a future ahead of him. [i][b]Wait.[/b][/i] Germaine stopped suddenly. That noise? It sounded a lot like someone hammering a nail... yes... One of the final few nails that needed hammering down in Well's coffin, as he took the opportunity to make a disgrace of himself and anger Germaine further with his blithe disregard to the people around him; people whom were powerful enough to relieve him of his head, with little more than a flick of a wrist. Germaine did not speak though; he just made his seething anger towards Wells very evident.