[@BytheSpleen] Illumina had expected that reaction, and summarily expected her to stop caring for her and possibly leave her to die as well. And honestly after receiving that news she wouldn't of blamed her in the slightest, although she'd of preferred her not to..that was aside the point. She further didn't expect her to be understanding of her, and sadly truth be told she really didn't beyond increasing her wealth. She couldn't let her know that though, especially after she gave her something and was so understanding. She equally hated lying to her, but she felt that'd be the best thing to do in this particular situation. She was also heavily confused as to how someone could be so kind after someone admitted that the sole reason they tagged along with them was to steal their valuables and disappear forever. Though, she guessed that was impossible now, she wouldn't feel right stealing from someone that she'd actually developed feelings for, actual feelings. "[color=khaki]Yeah. I will..Thanks for not freaking out.[/color]" She replied, smiling faintly. "[color=khaki]I..half expected you to leave me here and walk away after what I told you. But I'm glad you didn't.[/color]" She added, sighing.