[quote]"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels it finds the dark has gotten there first, and is waiting for it." - Terry Pratchett[/quote] In the distant future planets are dying; subject to the wrath of some unknown cataclysm. Seven worlds on the outer galactic rim have fallen victim to this destruction which renders the planet entirely uninhabitable. Though the planets of the inner rims refuse to acknowledge the threat it has become very real to the governments and civilizations that must seek answers in the wake of its rampage. The assailant is unknown, be it some plague or monstrosity it has ravaged worlds and is not likely to subside. The events have lead to millions of displaced citizens seeking refuge in the inner worlds. Thousands of systems under hundreds of governments debate endlessly on how to handle the refugee issue, while thousands more mobilize and prepare to fight for their land against the pirate and mercenary lords that have stemmed from the destruction of their homes. Now, through some twist of fate or act of divine intervention, you have come into contact with Muru; an infant and one of last of her kind. Your destiny is interwoven with hers, and from this day forth your actions will shape the fate of the galaxy. --- Info [hider=Factions] Civilized Central Systems (CCS) - A coalition of thousands of civilized planets encompassing over one trillion citizens the CCS is arguably the most powerful faction in galactic history. The territories of the CCS expand in a large ring lightyears in diameter around the galactic core. The heavy gravity and intense living conditions made naturally by the location of the CCS homeworlds leads to strong soldiers and physically adept species. The CCS has undoubtedly the largest ground military in the galaxy. Outer Rim Alliance (ORA) - The ORA is a collection of loosely allied independant systems on the outer fringes of the galaxy. It spans nearly a quarter the length of the entire outer rim in its territories, though no single government or authority figure governs the entirety of the alliance. Every planet that has gone dark has been within the territories held by the ORA however only one has been an Alliance world. The Teret hierarchy - The Teret Hierarchy is a grouping of star systems which submits to a hierarchical order of worlds based on which offers the most industrial power. All worlds are allowed a vote on any matter concerning the hierarchy on a large scale, however the most productive worlds are given priority vote. This leads to massive competition in the industrial sector and thus the Teret Hierarchy possesses the largest, most advanced fleet in the galaxy to date. Independent worlds - Within the territories of any alliance or government spanning many systems there are always independent worlds. Worlds which govern themselves or their own star systems. In addition to this there are thousands and thousands of unexplored worlds and planets yet to be discovered. Pirates - Space Pirates have been a threat as long as FTL travel has existed and even before. However now with the destruction of several worlds leaving millions without homes the piracy issue has only gotten larger. Many aliens take to the stars to pursue income and adventure. Mercenaries - Mercenary groups are prohibited in some sectors of the galaxy, however the ORA permits them to exist freely and thus many make their home there. These companies often hire out large armadas, armies, small groups, or single men to do the bidding of the highest paying customer. [/hider] [hider=Technological State] We are at a very advanced point in time. The galaxy has been made fully explorable by FTL (Faster than light) travel. Ballistic weapons remain the primary source of weaponry in the galaxy, using an ammunition similar to that of Mass Effect. A block of metal is inside the weapon and small arms within the gun shave off small pieces of this metal which superheat and fire toward enemies at incredible speeds; making them deadly and efficient. Spacecraft can be private owned and can even be fitted with their own FTL drives, weapons, and living areas. More will be added as necessary [/hider] [hider=Races] [These are just a few races I have in mind. Hundreds of thousands of alien species exist however, and if you have an idea for a new one feel free to run it by me] Vherten - An inner rim race hailing from the planet Vheros, this species, though strong, will only grow to be about as tall as a man if not a bit shorter. They possess dark skin and their eyes are exposed only through small slits in their skin. They grow no hair and can deploy a head fringe. Their entire anatomy is developed to protect them from the hot double suns and high gravity of Vheros. This is a young race, however quite influential in the CCS government. Kelgoss - Tall, pink or red colored amphibians from the outer rim world of the same name. These people are the most recent to have their world annihilated by the phantom cataclysm, and the species to which Muru belongs. The Kelgoss have large, dark eyes, human sized mouths, and lanky limbs. As infants and children they do not have teeth, however as they enter adulthood they obtain thin, sharp teeth with never stop growing until the Kelgoss dies. They generally do not exceed three inches in length. Churreg - A four legged, two armed mammal from the central rim world of Korrok the Churreg are a proud and ancient race. Conquering many planets on their journey to the inner rim over a thousand years ago members of their race made up forty of the fifty two founding members of the CCS. This species grows to stand at nearly 7 feet tall and resembling chimpanzees with four legs rather than two and standing upright. They remain very mobile even in armor and have unique vehicles and ships with cockpits that are impossible for other species to pilot as they require the unique physique of a Churreg to use. The Kurreg are also known to be less accepting of outsiders and more warlike than many other spacefaring races. [/hider] [hider=Worlds] Korrok - A once jungle planet that has been stripped bare of resources and left destitute by the nature of the species that lived there. Vheros - A world rich in metals with no saltwater to be found on the entire planet. The close proximity to the two suns in the solar system means the planet has incredible gravity and for many outsiders it is too much. Luckily, gravitational controls exist and terraforming has allowed the planet to become more hospitable to outside races. Kelgoss - Once a triumphant trade world on the outer rim, Kelgoss is now brown and barren. The cracked husks that were cities scattered lifelessly across the surface with the soil light brown and devoid of plant life. The planet is one of seven to have experienced such destruction. Trovalia - A city world on the inner rim which is just far enough from its star to maintain a happy temperature and gravity ratio. The city world is the hub of the galactic stock trade and home to much criminal activity. Tethis - The capital planet of the CCS, a city world and home to the largest military base in the galaxy that we know of. Jor-Kassan - A garden world with many colonies located in the central rims, the race that once populated this planet was discovered in their equivalent to the human medieval period. When the races who discovered them tried to bring them into galactic society it was too much for the young underdeveloped people to comprehend and eventually it lead to their destruction. That didn't stop extinction profiteers from colonizing their home world though. Cryptea - The capital of the Human race in the inner rim and center of the human race's military power this garden planet with tall mountains and deep oceans makes a perfect refuge for the human race. [/hider] [b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b] Name: Race: Age: Gender: Occupation: Homeworld: Homeworld Description: (Only applicable if you choose a planet not listed above. Don't go crazy with this, be reasonable but have fun.) Appearance: (Include regular clothing, not armor) Armor/weapons: (Melee weapons like stun batons and vibro-swords and shields do exist if you'd like to play a knight type rather than use a gun. And as for armor, be creative and have fun. It's super advanced, you can come up with your own armor, think Star Wars level here.) Backstory: (Be as detailed as you want. You have a galaxy sized sandbox to make this. Only think about what you've done up until about two months before the roleplay begins.) ----