Alphys wasn't surprised when Undyne drowned her pancakes in a pool of syrup. As expected, the determined fish knight gave her all in everything she did, even if it was pouring syrup on pancakes. A fond smile appeared on Alphys' face. Undyne had fought for the monsters' hopes and dreams to come true - she deserved her happy ending, and although Alphys still didn't fully understand what Undyne saw in her, she was glad that Undyne was happy with her. Then Undyne suddenly stuck a piece of excessively-sweet pancake into her mouth. Alphys choked a little, then swallowed it, blushing. [color=fff79a]"Um, well, I was just wondering what to do. Grocery shopping sounds good,"[/color] Alphys said, trying to regain her composure. [color=fff79a]"Also, I found an anime with fighting princesses, if you want to watch it together. I wonder if Papyrus or Asgore would be interested?" [/color] Alphys kind of wanted to prove to Papyrus that anime wasn't a kind of cartoon for small children, and Asgore had expressed curiosity about anime before. Her first attempt at an introduction had been embarrassing, but maybe the second time's the charm? [@Lilygold]