[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/jarbear.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [color=6ecff6]“Nothing’s stopping you from doing it both times. Either way, I see greater priorities.”[/color] Jules said as he eyed the crowd of pool-goers. [color=DarkGray]“Ain’t that the truth.”[/color] he said as his eyes swept across the sea of swimsuits. Truth be told, he hadn’t messed around with a girl since that party. Yuki had managed to keep him celibate for their 3 month relationship, which was pretty much a record in his book, something which didn't pan out well for either of them. And yet, even now that he had ended things, she still somehow had a hold of his balls through guilt. [color=DarkGray][i]Not anymore, though…[/i][/color] thought Jar as Jules took off for the pool. [color=DarkGray]“Your dibs ain’t gonna mean shit when they find out I’m a musician.”[/color] he replied as he ran after Jules, stripping off his shirt in the process and revealing the menagerie of tattoos that covered his torso, back, and arms. Most of the money that he got from gigs that didn’t go towards rent and food went to his ink. It also helped that he was apprenticing at a tattoo shop a day or two a week and got discounts and even a few free tattoos from the other people who were learning the trade. Say what you want about Jar’s loose morals, lack of common sense, or book smarts, but he was far from lazy, and a true artist through-and-through. Jar took a running jump from the edge of the pool and dove into the deep end, disregarding the sign that clearly read ‘[b]No jumping or diving[/b]!’ Jar’s cannonball made a mediocre splash, he wasn’t really a huge guy after all, and some of the nearby girls screeched and giggled at the aquatic onslaught. The lifeguard tooted his whistle and gave Jar a disapproving glare, but didn’t force him to get out or anything. Jareth shook his head and water slung from the locks of his hair. Picking up chicks wouldn’t work so well with a helmet of hair clinging to his head, it was best to get it loose and go for the wet rocker-chic look. Surely there was some pale, thin girl with dark hair, tattoos and enticing piercings around to catch his eye...