[h1]Drosil Maeneld[/h1] Drosil blinked at the womzn's loud outbursts, looking over at her as Sir Mauls hissed out a few less than pleasant phrases at being likened to something as mindless and feeble as an ant. Drosil was also quite perturbed by the comment, though for a much diifferent reason. "Um, excuse me Miss, but Sir Mauls' isn't an ant, nor does he look anything like one. While I understand not knowing the name of various insects, to make such a large mistake is, how should I say . . . embarrassing, from my perspective at least. But don't worry, I shall enlighten thee." Drosil gave a bright smile as he walked closer to the woman, steppin up to where Sir Mauls lay and scratching him behind one of his antenna. "You see, Sir Mauls is a Deathcrawler, who bear some relation to centipedes, though many times larger and sturdier, and are natibe to the underground oasis of Jasi. Furthermore . . ." And so would begun Drosil's lecture, as he couldn't resist but to offer some form of enlightenment to those finding themselves lacking in interesting knowledge. However, since he found nearly everything interesting, that meant that his lecture went on for quite some time, and where filled with nearly every fact he could dig up from his head. That, plus his tendancy for more sophisticated and scientific language, meant that to most he may as well have been speaking another language.