[@KoL] [i]'Onee-sama...? Did she just...?'[/i] Ryoki was surprised at hearing herself be called in such a way, that was for sure. She was much more acquianted with being called "Sensei", as Kaori had given her the title "Rhi-Sensei". Though to say the surprise was unpleasant would be lying to both poor Iruka and herself. How could one not find it heartwarming when being greeted so by someone so cu- [i]'Stop it.'[/i] Hearing the poor girl stutter out an apology, Ryoki couldn't help but feel sad when she heard she wasn't treated well by her family. Family was the one thing Ryoki could depend on in life. Some had left her side, but they weren't immediate family, and even so they'd always been extremely helpful and kind - supportive. Especially Ryoki's grandmother, the former owner of the very scarf she wore, day after day. Her parents were always so understanding, and she couldn't ask for better twin siblings. It was... somewhat unfair, in a way. She felt guilty, like she'd robbed this girl of a good life and family, somehow. It was just... [i]wrong[/i], for reasons inexplicable. But that was the way things were, and Ryoki knew; she also knew what to do next. Ryoki took a step forward, and wraps her arms around the girl gently, hugging her with the same amount of gentleness a mother would to her baby. Though of course, Ryoki didn't feel like a motherly figure to Iruka. She said it herself - Ryoki was a lot like the big sister she (presumably) didn't have! Therefore, Ryoki would take to that role without any complaints. By now she was aware that Iruka wasn't a fan of being touched, so she pulled away and gave her the brightest smile she could give, radiating a newfound sense of warmth that seemed to light Ryoki up. "It's OK, Iru-chan! I'm actually rather flattered!" She then, surprisingly, bows toward Iruka. "Actually, I'm the one who needs to apologise. I haven't introduced myself yet, or at least, not whilst you're sober." With a short chuckle, she stood up, still radiating with that positive smile and energy about her. "My name is Ryoki Mochizukki, but please, if onee-sama feels more natural, then by all means, go for it!" Rebounding from her unseen, almost depressive state, Ryoki suddenly felt rather hungry. True, she'd just eaten with Kimasu, but, for whatever reason, she really needed something sweet right about now. [i]'Like peaches, or strawberries; something like Kaori... Aaaaaah...~!'[/i] She thought, almost letting her obsessive side show once again, though managing to keep herself collected for the time being. Well, aside from her apparent outburst in excitement, that is. She reaches to grab Iruka's hand, though hesitates. She didn't like being touched - would this be taking things too far? [i]'Oh, screw it. She needs to face her fears one way or another! Hehehehe!'[/i] The laugh in her head was a lot more sinister for an act that was practically the polar opposite. Taking Iruka's hand, she starts pulling her along at a speed-walk-jog-run-thing-sort-of-speed, heading straight for the closest place they could get something to eat. As it would happen, this turns out to be the Shining Kettle. Quickly finding a place to sit for the two of them, Ryoki takes a seat, urging Iruka to take a seat as well. Taking out her phone, she quickly sends a message to her brother regarding her whereabouts, as well as an apology for ditching him at the end of their "date." The text that comes after is filled with misery, though Ryoki knew that her poor little brother could recover his self-esteem faster than she could, simply by talking to someone pretty. With that order of business settled, she smiles at Iruka as they await a waiter or waitress. "So, Iru-chan," she didn't seem like she was going to let that name go, regardless of if she were corrected or not, "mind telling me a little bit about yourself? Don't worry, I'm not trying to pry or anything, just curious! Here, I'll give myself as an example." Ryoki clears her throat in preparation for what would be a voice acted performance in the middle of Shining Kettle, though of course, she made sure not to make herself [i]too[/i] loud. She regards Iruka with a mischievous smirk as Ryoki got into character. "My name's Ryoki Mochizukki, hun~! But I'm fine with you calling me whatever you want...~" The Raven winks with that same level of natural talent as she had the previous night, delivering her flirtatious persona to a t. "I enjoy lots of things, like making music, voice acting, and..." She trails off and licks her lips, leaning in close as she whispers: "... doing the [i]naughty[/i]...~! Teehee!" As soon as she leans back, her character breaks immediately, as she beams a large grin. "Was that good? Ehehehe! Sorry. I probably caught you off guard a little with all that, huh? I was just demonstrating my -- ahem! -- [i]voice acting skills[/i]." The following giggle that ensued was slightly perverted-sounding as well as a tad sinister, though she finally returns to a state of normalcy in order to listen to what Iruka has to say, as well as place her order, as the waitress/waiter had arrived immediately after doing so. After giving their standard greeting and asking about their order, Ryoki contemplates to herself what she'll be having, before making an order for the sweetest slice of cake they had, if they actually served cake there, prioritising cheesecake above all else, shortly followed by pavlova. Should neither of those be served, then the closest she could get to something fruity or sweet, cake or not. Having placed her order, she patiently waits for Iruka to make hers, even going as far as helping her should she find herself struggling. With all that said and done, Ryoki continues the conversation with Iruka, should there be need to continue, asking about her choice of food and if she wanted more. [hr][center][i]In the interest of time...[/i][/center] Ryoki had taken to her cake (or other sweet food) much like a hawk would to prey, eating it with incredible swiftness and not an awful lot of mannerisms, though thankfully she was courteous to use a spoon to gobble down the sweet contents. The faces she made as she swallowed the sweet, bundle of joy were simply those of delight, her face turning red out of joy as she let out a muffled squeal of happiness. Today was turning out to be a pretty good day for the crystal-eyed musician, though it certainly was a roller coaster of emotions. However, that roller coaster would take a sudden and sharp drop soon. Whilst in the midst of savouring the sweetness of her goodness, Ryoki receives a text from none other than her favourite person in the world who wasn't family: Kaori. With a giddy, almost childish nature about her, Ryoki smiles to herself as she opens the text, though suddenly finds the joy fade from her being as she read the message through. [center][color=f6989d]Dear Ryoki-sensei I am sorry I can't make it to our lessons today. My brother ended up getting into an accident... I am sure you will understand. I am so sorry for the inconvenience! Please don't be too mad? ~Kaori [/color][/center] "Kaori..." Ryoki couldn't help but frown. It was the one thing she looked forward to every week - teaching the young girl not only how to play the instruments of her dreams, but also how to become a woman. The unexpected cancelation left Ryoki breathless, however, reading it over and noticing her brother had gotten into an accident, she became rather concerned. She hadn't become acquainted with Kaori's brother, at least not very well, so she wasn't quite sure what had happened, but she still managed to reply. [center][color=blue]Don't worry about the lessons, you fool! Look after yourself and your brother! :P He needs you right now, so be sure to take good care of him, OK? We'll just continue next Sunday, or whenever it's convenient for you. Stay safe! ~Ryoki [/color][/center] Despite the seemingly cheery message, Ryoki wasn't exactly feeling cheery. Of course she was worried for Kaori and her brother, but at the same time she felt pretty down about not being able to have their lessons today. It was a selfish train of thought, and Ryoki knew it, but she just couldn't help feeling that way, no matter how hard she tried shaking it off in her head. Perhaps now was a good time to leave... Yellow and black rises from its seat as Ryoki stands, forcing a smile that wasn't as convincing as before, as her eyes gave way to an untold pain. "Sorry, Iru-chan, but I need to go. My friend's brother just got into an accident, so I'm going to pay her a visit to see if she and her brother are alright." She seems to grow less tense as she speaks of the situation, offering Iruka a sad smile as she scours her purse for the amount of money they owed for the meal, placing it on the table before her coworker. "My treat. Don't worry, I'm rich, so this is nothing." It wasn't quite a lie, but it wasn't exactly truth, either. Her family was rich, certainly. Ryoki's own earnings, however... well, it wasn't enough to consider her as 'rich', nor anywhere close to what a modern pop star would earn. Though of course, she left that little tidbit hidden. With another smile, a little happier than the last, she gently pets Iruka once more, as a way of saying goodbye. "See ya at work!" Ryoki giggles and takes her leave, headed out to nowhere in particular. Despite what she told Iruka, she wasn't going to see Kaori. Ryoki couldn't bring herself to do that - it felt wrong. She kind of wanted to be alone, but wasn't quite ready to go home yet, and so her brain thought up a place where she could enjoy some solitude - a place nobody would think to go, what with the weather so terrible. Shiny Park. She knew the park well. It was a place she used to frequent as a kid, when her parents would take her out, and she continued to roam the park throughout her adult life, too. It was a nice place; it was a place where Ryoki felt she could always trust, even more-so than her apartment. Taking out her brand new umbrella, brought as a gift from Kimasu, Ryoki began to make her way to the park - her refuge; her safe haven. The rain droplets continued to dance around her, and crash atop her umbrella, as the relaxing sound of an angel's tears crashing against an umbrella soothed her thoughts. She felt sorry for the unfortunate angel who wept this day - the prospect of snow was fairly high, given the current forecast. She could almost feel it coming, though it likely wouldn't come today. Tomorrow, maybe, or even tonight. Perhaps longer. Regardless, Ryoki soon arrives at her destination, taking the closest pathway entrance into the park and following it, watching the scenery pass by as she walks. She was after a specific place in Shiny Park - a bench beneath a tree which she'd always sit by. It was towards the center of the park, near the childrens' playground. The bench and tree held no real value over Ryoki other than the fact she liked the spot. Despite being towards the center, it was usually pretty peaceful there, at least for Ryoki. For the occasional parent that accompanied her in sitting there, she could always share a word or piece of advice, or even just engage in casual small talk. It was a place where she felt the most relaxed - perhaps there was some kind of value, deep down, she had for that spot in particular that she wasn't yet aware of. After all, it was the place where she met her first real friend, who had since passed away. It was... a terrible accident. The thought caused her mind to think of Kaori and her brother, as her stomach suddenly grew tight. The memories tormented her, and Ryoki couldn't help but let a few tears fall with the rain as she sat at the bench, beneath the tree, umbrella catching the droplets and diverting them aside. [i]'Don't think about it, Ryoki... You promised her you wouldn't be sad...'[/i] The thought was gut-wrenching, like she'd taken a sudden blow to the stomach. She'd often ask herself why she was so fragile when alone, though honestly couldn't think up an appropriate answer. It was a horrible feeling, though... One she did her absolute best to push as far back in her mind as possible. [i]'Why does everyone leave me...?'[/i] The Raven asks as she wipes the tears that trailed down her cheeks. [i]'Why do they all go...? Just... why me...?'[/i] The thoughts were enough to make her break down again, though this time she was more inclined to calm herself, inhaling sharp, cool breaths of air as she steadily began to regain control of herself. Things like these happened sometimes: sudden outbursts of sadness that were short, yet intense. Since they started, Ryoki had found that the only way to cure them was to wait for them to be over, and recompose herself once they'd finished. They were usually accompanied by a lowering in her self-worth, inspiring thoughts such as: [i]'There are people out there who have it way worse than I do,'[/i] and [i]'Stop complaining, you're fine. You should be more concerned about everyone else.'[/i] As expected, today was no different, as those very thoughts courses through her mind. But the truth was, Ryoki was an incredibly hurt human being, who kept convincing herself and others that she was OK. She just wanted someone, anyone else, to stay with her through it all and not end up six feet under, though she didn't know it. She just wanted this lifelong nightmare filled with death to end, and to put an end to all her troubles and worrys. She wanted a saviour - a prince in shining armour to kill off her inner demons, and to recreate one of those fairy tales her brother was so fond of... To put it simply, all Ryoki really wanted was a friend...