[color=00a651]Belgond.[/color] Today was the day! All of his life, Belgond had waited with baited breath until he was old enough to join the Exporation Guild and today was the birthday that he would [i]finally[/i] be able to sign up! Mum was sadly unable to be there to celebrate the occasion; Her snake of an agent Mr Soal (Mum didn't like it when Belgond called Mr Soal a snake... Even if he was an Arbok) had insisted that she needed to be at an important meeting to help establish her singing career. She would be coming home later tonight hopefully. Before he could go sign up through, Dad had insisted on taking his son out for a good, healthy lunch before his son became an Explorer like his old man. As the two of them crossed the threshold to Mr Fruille's store, Belgond's father had decided to be an Umbreon for the occasion. "Why don't you go and see if you can find your cute little girlfriend Gale while I order us some lunch and catch up with my old teammate?" Draco asked with a sly, playful smile... Which grew in a wider smirk as Belgond almost turned as red as a Flareon. "[color=00a651]Dad, she's -not- my girlfriend..[/color]" Belgond stressed, trying very hard to not look in his father's direction. A mistake, since he missed Draco's smirk of victory. "So you just think she is cute then?" Belgond proved that he could do a very good impression of the sun; He was bright red with steam coming out of his ears. He would have been stuttering if his dad hadn't placed a paw on his back. "I'm just teasing. Still, why don't you go and invite Gale to join us? It's felt like forever since I last saw her and I know my old teammate would like the chance brag about her to me." With a sigh, Belgond nodded his head silently before he went off in order to track down the master thief Gale and offer her a temporary trace at the behest of the higher powers. [@Ordure]