[@Polaris North] Erin smiled at the fact that they didn't seem to know about her or even care for that matter but after looking at the bow and how the boy Haru put down the cloth bundle next to him she put two and two together, "[color=bc8dbf]You two must not get around much then, anyway my name is Alex nice to meet the both of you.[/color]" she said immediately reverting to the fake she used when making "friends". "[color=bc8dbf]That Razor Jack ghoul's actually pretty notorious in other sectors they probably haven't even been able to discover what kind of ghoul they are[/color]" Erin said before taking a long sip from the coffee and continuing "[color=bc8dbf]It's really a wonder that you haven't heard of them especially since, and I'm just speculating here, you're with the CCG[/color]" she nodded to the bow with a a bit of a know it all look. Erin paused for a moment and let that fact sink in before standing up and dusting off; she stopped when she heard the bell around her neck ring from the movement but it was a faulter that would have been almost indistinguishable from her getting up. "[color=bc8dbf]Yeah if you want to go undercover you should put on a cosplay instead of street clothes since you're gonna just carry a bow around[/color]" Erin said with a short chuckle and started stretching her joints out, "[color=bc8dbf]anyways I say we celebrate us being new acquaintances by playing a little game when you're finished, and don't worry, it's nothing super dangerous[/color]" she said with a sharp shift of her neck which let out a audible *POP*.