[img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/10400000/Hotaru-Tomoe-Sailor-Saturn-the-outer-senshi-10429180-800-600.jpg[/img] Appearance: She stands at 5 feet and 3 inches tall and weighs less then a hundred pounds. Her hair style black with a tint of purple in the shape of a short bob hair cut. Her choice of clothing is that of a dark set; long sleeved shirt with a skirt and leggings. Her eyes a dark violet color as well. Name: Hotaru Tomoe Age: 14 Biography: Hotaru had a very tough life as it was with the separation of her mother and her father. Her father did make enough money to support her though, however sometimes a mother is needed for a family to be perfect. When things went well and her father was promoted she was given the chance to go over seas and learn at a American school. Being the top of her class it wasn't hard for her to get into one. She went to America as a foreign exchange student. She had a apartment to herself in a very expensive building on Manhattan island. Every so often she would get visits from her father and received frequent phone calls from him as well. During her 14th birthday however tragic struck with the rise of the Xenomorph infestation. It had to occur with a surprise visit from her father celebrating her birthday. He was killed by the monsters and she was made to watch it all as she escaped with her fathers gun. The last item she owned that came from him.