[quote=snowblzr] Lyke put a hoof on his forehead, kept his eyes squinted, and followed the DJ to the booth. He waited until the both of them approached the DJ booth, and continued plying songs. He turned the dial down so that everyone could still hear the music across the deck, but high enough so that they could privately discuss without someone over-hearing them. He sighed deeply, the muttered, he made a face as if he had swallowed something repulsive and sour! and made his way back to the bar. he asked the bartender, while resting his head and arms on the table, ready to receive the drink. [/quote] micheal sets about to his new work and switches over to a little bit of zomboy so as to not get stale as he starts surfing the web for free mp3's on his phone while listening for the ones with good beats and ok bass lines, downloading them if they be deemed worthy enough to not drive him mad while listening to it. his thoughts begin to wander to the she-wolf as he contemplates whether it was stupidity or drunkenness that kept her from seeing that he saved her from drowning and the fact that he'd begun to form a welt on his forehead where she'd headbutted him, his hand automatically going to the spot as he does