[hider=Mara] Name: Mara Age: 400+ (she'll never tell, exactly) Description: [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/f0a2/f/2010/081/8/a/jade_chan_by_donpapi.jpg[/img] Gender: Female Race: Human? Magic: Sigilite [i]Molten Dragon Flame[/i] Tattooed on her palm is a dragon, by channeling her magical power into it, she can summon a solid beam of fire, approximately 5,000 degrees in temporature. Unfortunately, this does drain her, meaining that it's applicable use in battle is limited to about 5 uses before she is completely worn out, pushing 6-7 before she would pass unconscious. [i]Physical Age control[/i] She can easily assume the form of whatever age she wishes. From a 10 year old girl to a 100 year old crone. However, she retains their physical attributes, meaning that, she would be most powerful in the form of a 30 year old, but usually chooses that of a 10 year old, because she prefers it. However, due to her age wearing on, she has already lost the ability to transform into a form younger than 9 years old, and will, at some point in the next few centuries, be forced to abandon her ability to take on a childs form altogether. One of her current goals is to discover a way to extend her time able to stay in this form. [i]Friends on the Other Side[/i] One does not live as long as she without making a few friends in places out of the ordinary. These include, but aren't limited to: [b]Peing-Khan: The Shadow King[/b] Khan is a large, portly, Chinese demon that has an army of demonic Shadow-Ninja's at his disposal. After assisting him in searching out a warlock who attempted to usurp his throne and disposing of the fiend, he has owed her a favour that she plans to call in one day. He also gave her a single Shadow-Ninja bodyguard (She lovingly nicknamed the silent warrior "Giggles" Unfortunately, due to his less than stellar people skills, she tied him to her shop and sets him about doing menial tasks, he only ever fights intruders in her shop.) [b]Bajie: The Great Pig[/b] Bajie is the embodiment of the Pig Zodiac, a fat and lazy being, he is nonetheless one of the most powerful entities in the Zodiac realm. She gained his favour when she found him (disguised as a regular pig) and took him into her home, feeding him, scratching his belly and letting him sleep wherever he wanted. He gave her his Rake in return for her kindness and told her to "Call anytime you need assistance... Except if i'm eating... Or napping." meaning there are very short windows with which to contact him. [b]Iosheka[/b] A Native-American god, she discovered him when she went to the States, after assisting his people in a banishment for his evil brother Tawescaron. For her feats, Iosheka gave her the magical tobacco that she smokes in her pipe, it is that of the gods and permeates her body with magical energy, allowing her to wield the mystic arts more effectively. [b]Hodr: the Blind King of Games[/b] A more recent addition to her list of friends. When a bunch of nerds (Dougy, Adam, Phillip, Kay and Dick) started hanging around in her shop and playing Dungeons & Dragons, she was actually rather relieved by their antics. They, however, attracted Hodr to the shop, who wanted to join in. Every other thursday, her upstairs room is "Nerd Night" where Hodr, Mara and the nerds gather to play their boardgames, watch films (Well, Hodr doesn't, he's blind, but he does enjoy to listen to the stories) and, on occassion, enjoy the odd game of Strip Poker (don't worry, she assumes the form of a rather voluptuous lady when playing this. Which is why she almost always wins.) Weaknesses: More than she likes to admit; 1) Physical strength: Although she is old and wields a magic Rake, she possesses the strength of a 10 year old girl, which is not that much. 2) All her power in her items: Almost all of her combat ability is in her magical items that she carries. Without them, she is forced to fall back on her Molten Dragon Flame being her only ability. Even with an ability as such on her side, her ability to fight is greatly diminished. Equipment: [i]Scroll Magics[/i] Instead of the regular incantation based magic, she carries a number of magical scrolls with magic built into them. This has the upside of allowing her to very quickly cast high level spells, at the cost of reliability. Scrolls are made of paper, meaning that they can very easily be destroyed. And replicating them takes time and concentration as they are written with a special ink that takes a 3 hour ceremony to make, and then, only lasts for an hour before the magic leaves the ink and the ceremony needs to be performed again. These are kept up her sleave and can be called upon at a moments notice, flying from their resting place and casting the magic infused into them. They include, but aren't limited to: Fireball Scroll (casts fireball) Immobilization Scroll (Can freeze inanimate objects and those with a lack of willpower in place) Levitation Scroll (Allows her rudimentary flight within her human form.) Telekinesis Scroll (Allows her to move objects with her mind, only 1 specific object at a time, though. And not herself, she has to rely on her Levitation Scroll for that.) Power Scroll (fires a beam of energy that hits with almost 1TPSI force. Usually used to open doors and take down particularly tough opponents.) [i]Bag of Epic Holding[/i] The bag was unnamed until Dougy saw it, the bag is nye bottomless and carries vast amounts of potion brewing ingredients. She wouldn't be much of a witch without the ability to brew up a "Turn someone into a toad" potion, would she? [i]Amulet of Merlock[/i] An amulet that she wears around her neck, looking like a large green jewel, it allows her to transform into a multitude of animals, so long as she wears it. If it is to leave her person, then the magic wears off within seconds. Generally used for travel and escape. [i][url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRT0WPxL5GEzf_LcjuWX9rgWDbiBD-JEHG0MLV11pWvKPrTha0F]The Rake of Bajie[/url][/i] A magical rake given to her by the Great Pig, Bajie. It is indestructable and allows her to convers with the great pig, however, 99% of the time, he is either asleep or eating, and so will not answer. Over the years, she has become quite adept at wielding it. Personality: Arrogant as a 10 year old, wise as a 100 year old, she has been on the planet for a substantial amount of time and has forgotten more than most will ever know. She always assumes she is the smartest person in the room and is rarely seen without her smoking pipe in her hands. History: A backstory shrouded in mystery. Although the first thought in anyones head is that she must be a child, the fact is that she only assumes this from due to having a fondness for children. In actuality, she is more than 400 years old. Numerous stories give varying accounts of her origin, including; The daughter of a priestess and a demon, the daughter of Satan, a being created from magic, an Alien, a Vampire gone wrong, and many, many more. She will never tell, as she finds great amusement in hearing what people say about her. She has been to many places in her 400+ years of life, she has met many magical entities, assisting Native Americans in banishing a dark god, becoming the keeper of a Pig deity, hunting rogue Warlocks and witches, should the need arrise. She also has a Demon Ninja that does her bidding. Although he is incapable of leaving the confines of her shop, he is also incapable of attacking anyone, unless they threaten Mara or the shop. All he does is clean the hut and stare angrily at everyone it meets, as well as offer them tea. He doesn't take no for an answer, as such, if declined, he will continue trying to give the tea to his target until they relent. Don't get him wrong, he is essentially a mindless drone with very strict mission parameters.[/hider]