Copen blinked for a moment, then frowned. Either he was translating things in his head as well as hearing them, or... She had just spoken Danish? This Japanese girl with pink hair had just spoken his mother tongue? To be honest, the idea of it very much surprised him. He had only encountered one Japanese man who had actually been able to speak a few words. The others had actually been from Denmark. Well, he was basically sold. He moved to join her at her table, unable to help a small amount of surprise and wonder creeping over his face at her order. That would be a lot of money. A whole night out's worth. But she looked interesting, and sometimes life was for meeting strange people. She was slender and small, and yet could consume so much... Copen doubted that even he could finish such a monstrous drink. "I'm Copen. It's nice to meet you, Mitty," he replied politely, glancing to the side as their coffees arrived. His was a normal mug of black coffee, while hers... It was more of a cup of sugar, really. He chuckled at it, sitting back in his chair and raising his mug to his lips. He looked at her as he did so, blue eyes watching her with much amusement. "Now." He set down his coffee, crossing his arms on the table and leaning forward slightly. "You need to tell me. Why do you speak Danish? I haven't met another girl from here that does," he commented, voice loud as always.